Dragon Age: Origins


  1. spottedkomodo
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This is absolutely brilliant. Beamdog should've based the EE series on this. But then that would mean they had to put a lot of work into making new assets (monster models etc), scripting and what have you, as opposed to the minimal work they had to do for their current EEs.

    The only complaint is that Irenicus looks a bit gormless, nothing like the cold, calculating, menacing look of the original.
    1. eledin
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Don't be ridiculous. Dragon Age has a completely different engine than BG. Beamdog did a remaster, not a remake.
  2. SparkyTheBarbarian
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Knew this was too good to be true, but if Bioware ever considered re-releasing the BG games on a modern engine, I would gladly pay $100.00 per game for the trilogy.
    1. NicotineCaffeine
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Well... You could wait for that i win the lottery. In that case, first thing i would do, it would be recreating an engine such dragon age origins and remake all the classic campaigns of these great games (and not like the s#*! coming out these latter years). But, considering my usual luck, if i were you, i wouldn't count too much on it. So we'll likely see useless games and pitiful tries like the coming soon "baldur's gate III" which it is called so and it has nothing to do with the previous ones except for being settled in Baldur's Gate LOL.
    2. Herekard
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      A great dream, but I'd rather see them remade in the pillars of eternity engine keeping the original art style. IWD in particular is still beautiful to play. what I wouldn't give to play the old IE games with POE graphics. Though, an update to 5e rules would be nice.
  3. isa0005
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
  4. RichieForever
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So much work,effort, love, time and authenticity was put into this mod...They covered almost every detail of every map section in Module 1. There's a lot of unfinished work for Module 2, but considering pictures they've showed to us, they have pretty much done almost everything....There are 8 different city sections in Module 2. Hopefully they will release it one day.
    Honestly Thank you guys !!!!
  5. VividSinns1995
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    It really would suck if this was the extent of the project =/ Ive loved Baldurs Gate Long long long before i knew and played Dragon Age. And I kinda feel that now that I know the taste of Dragon Age, Baldurs gate the game itself dulls in comparison =/ As much as I want to replay it, I think Dragon Age would make Baldurs Gate 10x more exciting than before! Pretty sure with this brilliant attempt at just that, many would agree on this train of thought. They couldve done soo much to improve Baldurs Gate back then now than i know the difference. They'd prolly make alot of money converting Baldurs Gate into Dragon Age's graphic gaming designs, if thats not enuff motivation for the main creators.. *shrugs*
    1. SparkyTheBarbarian
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I keep hoping for an anniversary version on a new engine.... But I also fear they would lose the charm of the original series. Not sure I could handle anyone else voicing Jaheira, Imoen, or Minsc.
  6. Ladyofpayne
    • member
    • 51 kudos
    Please can anyone from BG redux team help me to solve this issue for my new level fro DAO? 
    My new level looks liek this:
    lightmap textures

    Light probe


    Screenshot in game



    But when I use DAO models wiuth the same setting all worrks




    light probe texture




    What I did wrong? Is the way to solve this issue?


    Do you know where I could contact with mikemike37? I need it because he was sucessful with the same task as me for BG redux.

  7. Utopolyst
    • premium
    • 52 kudos
    Hey. I'm not sure if the project is dead - hopefully not, probably is. The only site I found which gave some inview on the project's state was:


    and this post on Baldursgate: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/35154/baldurs-gate-2-redux

    with a Cuv saying that they are still at it....

    @Thandal or other moderator: Do you know if we can hope for more on BG2 Redux? Looking at the forum on gamersnexus I was quite astonished by all the moduls and creatures (goblins, zombies, mummies...) that had been completed, and in one post I read, that the last thing missing was scripting (well, that should be plenty of work)....

    Still, a sticky post in this forum about the current state or about a dissolution would really be helpful. I've been rooting for this project since it's start in 2010 and I really would like to know if I should keep my hopes up.


    1. TolkienBard
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The more searching I do, the more it looks like this mod is essentially dead. The guy they had doing the lion's share of what remains is now hard at work (paying work) for the folks doing the EE versions of BG, BG2, and IWD.

      And, now that I am posting this, I realize you made this post back in February, not in June. I don't know why I thought you posted in June.

      I really do hope the few folks left on this project are able to find someone to help them out with the scripting and at least release Mod 2: The City of Athkatla. The DOA version of Irenicus' Dungeon is just absolutely amazing work. I suspect the closest we will get to this though will be the work being done by BGR on a port of BG2 into NWN2 instead of DOA.
  8. apookgnik123
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Update: We are basically on an indefinite hiatus. Our project lead got a job working on the IE enhanced editions and when that happened, progress slowed down massively. Right now, I'm the only one working on the mod. If I can figure out how to do everything myself, I'll finish up the areas we have done, release it, and go from there.
    1. vonVince
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You might want to consider doing an announcement concerning the mod's status on BGR Redux Facebook page - not everyone follows Nexus as much as they follow Facebook.
    2. drttoldman
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      HI!!!! apookgnik123

      I'm like Utopolyst and at least 5 - 10K DAO Nexus users who are interested in how the game MOD is developing. This is a modding community here and while somebody may not want to share credit for this wonderful rework of BG II. I played it and it looks and plays very well the DAO platform is very stable and similar enough to make it seem a lot like the original ..
      I would suggest having a call to build a new team to finish there are several groups and a bunch of modders who understand the game and the toolset well enough to help because there are a few very large mods here on the nexus and some of those modders might be interested in helping. I would be but i'm way too dumb.I've only done some beta tests and generally crashed my game. But I do see all the work that has been done by the groups that work with Dalialynn the Sappho's Daughter the Wardens Women groups and Quests and legends groups who have all done major mods.. Just a thought I don't want to cause trouble there may be egos involved but I know a lot of work was done and it would be a shame to let it go to waste

      And or might either help or be available to consult with people who would like to contribute.

      Also all my cool armor and different texture mods like eyes hair nude skins are all preinstalled from DAO and all work great ;o)
      so it was pretty well set up to be modded

    3. DarthParametric
      • premium
      • 45 kudos
      The mod is dead. It is not going to be resurrected. If there was any group of (capable) modders willing to help finish it off, they would have joined the team years ago.
    4. Fajeth88
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Whyyy? i don't understand.. we got "Baldur's Gate Reloaded" and IWD Relaoded" but it's THIS game that most people consider the peak of Biowares game developments (including me). To experience it with modern graphics would be sooo great... it may sound rude but i'd rather see those mods mentioned above being abandoned than this one...
    5. DarthParametric
      • premium
      • 45 kudos
      Real life took priority. People had to deal with jobs, university degrees, running businesses, looking after family, etc. Making a mod of this size is a multi-year effort, and most people just don't have sufficient time or energy to devote to it.
    6. Fajeth88
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yes thats certainly right. Still sad tho. I think even if some company's going to do one of those (mostly disappointing) remasterings of BG2 it'll still be based on infinity or at least a similar looking, custom engine. Well, maybe i'll take my chances and try it myself, even if my skills are not that great
      Unfortunately you can't really play a game you made yourself.
  9. Thandal
    • Moderator
    • 184 kudos

    how do ye start the mod??

    "Other Campaigns"
  10. WhiteFlameZero
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    how do ye start the mod??