Cyberpunk 2077
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  1. Zomgoblin
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I still don't understand why this is not the top Driving ini tweak mod.  How do we get this more visibility?
    1. RoyalPredator
      • premium
      • 17 kudos
      :) Mention it where it matters. 
      Other mods were released earlier, thus youtubers hyped them up.
    2. imbamakaber
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      I added it as "OPTIONAL - But strongly recommended" for my new mod. Hope that helps! 
      Mod link: Authentic Shift Audio Gear Ratios

      Video with CYBERDRIVE installed: 
    3. RoyalPredator
      • premium
      • 17 kudos
      Thank You! :) 
      I've been working on some settings lately with CyberTweaks, having better results. 
      Just don't have much time for it right now. :/ But I'll try to publish what I've done already. 
    4. HellGhost38
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      @HU1212ICAN3 This is the typical immature reaction. On PC, controllers are optional, not keyboard and mouse. Also, some people just prefer the keyboard and mouse. Grow up a little.
    5. beastw11
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      agreed ✊
    6. Zomgoblin
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Still love this mod, still using it, still playing Cyberpunk 2077!  Looking forward to your next update, I saw you were working on one!  <3
    7. PetHedgehog
      • member
      • 1 kudos

      HU1212ICAN3 are you serious? youre playing an fps, keyboard and mouse is superior for this type of game.
    8. landomatic
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Maybe an update?
    9. Marrionetta
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      yeah lol the only time i ever use controller on this game is to drive a vehicle. otherwise KBM just feels better
    10. godsaremonsters
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm not sure what maturity has to do with it. Though I don't support deriding mouse and keyboard or however people like to play. I will say I have played the game both ways and have come to like the controller just a little more. I say that as someone that started playing games on pc at a pretty young age and didnt really get into console games until later. The fact of the matter is that controllers are in genera better for driving than mouse and key board. IMO at least. The mouse and keyboard controls act as on/off switches for things like breaks, acceleration and steering. No sublety. For me that cant compare to being able to  apply a spectrum of pressure to all these controls via the controller. It allows subtlety and a softer touch than the Key & mouse that is undisputable. Again IMO.
      When it comes to aiming its much more dealers choice. I usually prefer mouse but not always anymore. Controllers are getting pretty great as are the execution of the controls on a software end. So maybe keep ad homonym attacks and comments  to one's self and just play the way you like.
    11. Kronodis
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      No thanks, ill stick with having smooth menu control and aiming with a mouse, and I'm definitely not swapping to my controller just to drive
    12. yent39
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      lol you got fucking guts telling us to use controller on fps games you fucking aim assist c*%!
  2. LisbethSAO
    • premium
    • 153 kudos
    Haven't played Cp77 in a while...came back to do a new playthrough with the new official big patch to v1.3...SSOOOO happy this mod is still being updated! I've tried so many other driving mods, and THIS is THE BEST, and my most fav driving mod, there is!! This is on my list of most essential and must have mods that I can't play Cp77 without!!! Thank you for all your work on this and your continued support!! <3
  3. asundai
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love this mod. Tried it out and was extremely surprised I can actually drive cars with mouse and keyboard. Or at all, lol. Previously cars would just veer off to the side with basic driving, or just spin out at every other corner, and I'd given up on anything other than the bikes. Now it's actually pretty great!

    I mean, I still hit things all the time, but thats just my own driving and not the controls :)

    I did do the inputUserMappings.xml tweak to 0.81/-0.81 steering which helped as well. One issue I had was the Settings > Controls steering kept resetting to 50%, which was throwing me off. I realised that was due to Better Vehicle First Person, one of the global presets defaults to 50% steering, so had to correct that. Now, all good!
  4. LisbethSAO
    • premium
    • 153 kudos
    Welp, as far as I can tell, this is still working as advertised, with current game v1.52, woohoo! \o/ Again, thank you, RoyalPredator, for the hella best driving mod around! <3
  5. darthvorr
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After using and being disappointed by pretty much every driving mod on the Nexus at the moment, I finally decided to give this one a try despite feeling iffy about the lack of updates. Lo and behold, it works wonderfully. Cars actually feel like cars, and have a sense of weight to them. I feel like I actually have some control behind the wheel. Thanks for your service, RoyalPredator.
    1. RoyalPredator
      • premium
      • 17 kudos
      Glad to hear you like it! :) 
      I've been working on a bigger update lately, but it really makes time to be precise with each car modified one by one.
  6. Zomgoblin
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Looking forward to your next update!  The current version is still amazing, of course!  Wish CDPR would hire you as a consultant remotely or something.
  7. Goldamker10
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i would try this mod but the latest update was 2021 so that sold it for me im not using it sry
  8. gusvato3080
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just want to confirm that this still works if you follow homiko's instructions and edit the xml in r6/config as the mod txt says. 

    Your vehiclehandling.ini (inside Cyberpunk 2077\engine\config\platform\pc folder) should look like this after deleting everything that is not under the [vehicle] section:

    PhysXClampHugeImpacts = true
    PhysXClampHugeSpeeds = true
    PhysXMinTimeStep = 0.011111
    PhysXTimeCompensationFactor = 0.00000000
    physicsCCD = true
    BikeHackTiltCalcValue = 85.000000
    EnableAirResistance = true
    AirControlBikePitchHelper = false
    AirControlCarRollHelper = false
    EnableFreeRotationResistantTorque = true
    EnableLowVelStoppingResistance = true
    EnableSmoothWheelContacts = true
    ForceDebugAll = false
    ForcedSurfaceName = ""
    ForceSimplifiedMovement = false
    ForceMoveToMaxAngularSpeed = 75.0000
    ForceMoveToMaxLinearSpeed = 75.00000
    MaxForceMoveToTeleportThreshold = 222.000000
    UseDifferential = true
    trafficVsTrafficCollisions = true
    vehicleVsVehicleCollisions = true
    VelocitySmoothingTime = 0.200000
    WeightTransferMode = 1

    And the "vehicles" section of inputUserMappings.xml (in Cyberpunk 2077\r6\config folder) should look like this:

    <!-- VEHICLES -->
    <mapping name="LeftX_Axis_Vehicle" type="Axis">
    <button id="IK_Pad_LeftAxisX"/>
    <button id="IK_Right" val="0.8" overridableUI="vehicleSteerRight2"/>
    <button id="IK_Left" val="-0.8" overridableUI="vehicleSteerLeft2"/>
    <button id="IK_D" val="0.8" overridableUI="vehicleSteerRight"/>
    <button id="IK_A" val="-0.8" overridableUI="vehicleSteerLeft"/>

    just change those four 1.0 values to 0.8 and -0.8 (editing the .xml file with notepad++ is easy)

    Hope this gets a proper update and more visibility again
  9. Zomgoblin
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Not sure if you're still working on an update (and if you are, I'm sure every patch sets you back to square one), but this is still my favorite mod!
    I hope you're doing well.
  10. EreckDotEXE
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    any updates with 2.02?
    1. homiloko
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      1. Do not use/install the 'required' mod, it's not required (Better Acceleration for Keyboards)
      2. Edit the file with notepad and remove all sections/keys that are not in the [Vehicle] group.
      3. Rename EnableAirResistane to EnableAirResistance (it was changed in a recent update)

      Everything else seems to work fine. The final file should look like this:
      PhysXClampHugeImpacts = true
      PhysXClampHugeSpeeds = true
      PhysXMinTimeStep = 0.011111
      PhysXTimeCompensationFactor = 0.00000000
      physicsCCD = true
      BikeHackTiltCalcValue = 85.000000
      EnableAirResistance = true
      AirControlBikePitchHelper = false
      AirControlCarRollHelper = false
      EnableFreeRotationResistantTorque = true
      EnableLowVelStoppingResistance = true
      EnableSmoothWheelContacts = true
      ForceDebugAll = false
      ForcedSurfaceName = ""
      ForceSimplifiedMovement = false
      ForceMoveToMaxAngularSpeed = 75.0000
      ForceMoveToMaxLinearSpeed = 75.00000
      MaxForceMoveToTeleportThreshold = 222.000000
      UseDifferential = true
      trafficVsTrafficCollisions = true
      vehicleVsVehicleCollisions = true
      VelocitySmoothingTime = 0.200000
      WeightTransferMode = 1
    2. Corg
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      @homiloko Does it still work for 2.1? I hate how other mods are all standalone and force you to copy everything manually to main mapping xml...
    3. Trazibol
      • account closed
      • 13 kudos
      Yes it works with 2.1 ..... Tested IG

      Just follow the Mod's recommendations
      . just embed two lines as described in the .txt file
      And roll the car

      This provides great comfort when driving,
      because in Vanilla version it's just a purge to control the vehicle
  11. commimod
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    after trying most of the other driving mods, I found this one. It helped me during the Claire "beast" nomad offroad race. The vehicles feel more real, have actual weight and grip and bounce around less offroad. I look forward to testing onroad.
  12. homiloko
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    This mod is phenomenal. Not only does it make controller driving delightful, it also makes keyboard driving acceptable.
    I think motorcycles could use some cornering improvements, but the cars are great.
  13. irulannaba
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    Who says this doesn't work? it works, but I recommend deleting all other line except for the driving section.
  14. Grub
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    This was one of my vital driving mods before 2.0
  15. Isatanica
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    Came back to CP2077 and got disappointed that my favorite car handling mod is not working with current version :(. hoping to see a update
    1. Alrandill
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      strongly agree
    2. darknessjw
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
  16. Keysmash2b
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So this mod messes with Occlusion, not sure why but deleting  the occlusion section of the INI should make it compatible with the current version. Theoretically everything EXCEPT the vehicle tab is delete able? Testing