No Man's Sky
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  • Creating translations for other languages

    Since version 4.48.1, the LUA script for the LANG module allows to generate custom localization files for other languages. To create a translation of Misc Text Fixes, follow these steps.

    1. Prepare new text entries in target language

    Replace the English text elements in variables listed in sections LOCALIZATION FILE ... of the LUA script with desired entries in your target language. Be aware of usage of various formatting tags, in-game variables and special characters such as line break or hard space. Example of modified entry from Loc File 1 section:

    2. Assign target language

    After replacing all the needed text entries, navigate the script down to the SCRIPT DATA AND FUNCTIONS section and change the valu...

  • Overview - other modules

    This article lists all of the changes applied by the other modules in version 4.50

    CRAFT module
    Requirements: LANG module

    Warp Hypercore crafting tooltip

    The in-game tooltip for crafting Warp Hypercores incorrectly ask players to use Antimatter and Antimatter Housing to create this product. A proper tooltip including Antimatter and Storm Crystals was not present in the game. This mods adds the missing tooltip property and changes the Product Table to reference this new tooltip.

    Custom tooltip for Heart of the Sun

    Players who find themselves completing the Artemis Path (main story line) might end up not knowing how to obtain the Heart of the Sun item for the Remembrance exosuit technology. The recipe for HotS is learned...

  • Overview - LANG module

    This article lists all of the changes applied by the LANG module in version 4.50

    Localization file 1
    New save messages for Multiplayer and Nexus mission scenarios

    The existing messages can be misleading, since the only thing that is properly saved is player's inventory state. These new messages specify what is saved, depending on the scenario.

    New verbiage for Solar Panel Power

    The stat in question that can be found on life support upgrades is confusing to many players.I opted to express its functionality in simplier terms: Daytime Efficiency. The new label still gives the general idea of the bonus provided and it allows to keep the + sign on numerical value of the stat.

    Albumen Pear Orb grow time

    The descr...

  • Next-gen ray tracing mod


  • Peak Gummi and Teeny Ships update

    Peak Gummi and Teeny Ships update in development

    The final variants of the main Gummi and Teeny ships are almost done being made.
    I have 2 left to make then I'll be testing them and releasing the update soon following after....

  • Silent Hill Ascension Decals

    Working on adding the stickers from Silent Hill Ascension into No Man's Sky to be used as base building decals....

  • 2 New updates in the works

    LV4 Gummi Ships Update + Teeny Ships Update

    Currently LV4 Gummi Ships are being built, soon to follow after the LV4 update the Teeny Ships update will follow with at least the first 3 levels of each base Teeny Ship and possibly the LV4 ones as well....

  • Version 2.5 LV2 Gummi Ships

    Update Version 2.5
    LV2 Gummi Ships updateVersion 2.5 will be releasing either later today or sometime tomorrow so keep an eye out.
    I'm just finishing up some final touches and running some tests before I release the update.

    Here's a sneak peak at the Highwind LV2




    Thanks to FriendlyFirePL for converting the article from Fallout 4 to No Man's Sky use.

    It's an algorithm (method) for tracking down the exact crash culprit mod file. Here's a clear example on how to do it. Let's say you have 100 activated PAK files in total, and let's give all those Mods arbitrary names. (Mod1, Mod2, Mod3... all the way to Mod100).
    Your goal is to disable half, only leave all Mods from Mod1 to Mod50 enabled. After that:

    If the game crashes again, then you know the culprit is somewhere between Mod1 and Mod50. Now you disable half of those, so you only leave all Mods from Mod1 to Mod25 enabled and test again.

    Each time you crash, disable half of the Mod range from which you deduced it mu...

  • Preliminary Actions for mod Issue Notices (PAIN)

    Preliminary Actions for mod Issue Notices

    PAIN is a document written for No Man's Sky mod users experiencing issues related to modding.

    It is written to:

    Lay out basic troubleshooting procedures to resolve the most common issues;
    Display instructions to acquire and send commonly required information for outside diagnosis;
    Provide resources to tools and required codebase

    Using AMUMSS
    Using NMSMB


    Using the correct MODS folder
    Reading the Mod Description / Sticky Posts
    “Flushing the system”
    Install .NET 6 Desktop Runtime

  • Not Mod Related but a Heads Up.

    Mod and Unmod'ed
    The ExoCraft Cannon is vulnerable unto itself much like the Geology Cannon and Plasma Launcher unto your character.  This is a pic of an unmodded session. 

    What I noticed yesterday was instant death in the Nomad fighting the Sentinels and didn't see them cast their shields up with apparently deflect the Cannon I have Superslotted.   So be careful with this as this appears to be the best way to ruin any game session especially PermaDeath.  


  • Fast Plant Grow 10 min

    A mod for fractal version of NMS.
    It allow faster growing plants. it's set to 10 min for all plants
    An instant version has been add + lua file
    NB: Choose and Add only 1 pak file in your mods directory...

  • Update for NMS 4.0 compatibility

    After a long wait, I've finally updated nexus with the latest version. Enjoy Interlopers!...

  • Turrets Do Damge

    Simple mod I made so my freighter can actually deal damage and kill pirates/sentinels instead of being aesthetic only....

  • On the Hunt with AIMech

    BoostGlide for the MINOTAUR

    I'm coming for you

    If you see me standing or sitting in the Space Anomaly queued up, I'm ready to hunt....

  • Refining and Cooking 200x

    Refining and Cooking

    If you like the vanilla speed don' t come knocking: this mod/pak burbs out resources faster than most people can sneeze. Your Gek buddies will marvel at the speed and fill you starship with appealing pheromones.

    * Word of warning - Don't leave items in refiners or processors between game restarts ~ things go missing ~


  • Hello

    This is my very first mod. If you find that something doesn't work don't hesitate to mention it....