File bug reporting system and image uploading updates

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Bug reports

Mods having bugs in them is nothing new. If you've used or released at least a few mods in your time you'll have come across certain "features" in the mod that probably aren't supposed to be and weren't intended to be there.

Up until now if you came across a bug in a mod you'd have to report it either in the file's comments or as a private message to the author of the mod themselves. Very few mod authors have set up their own bug reporting systems on their own hosting solutions for reporting bugs on their files.

Today we've released a first edition of a new bug reporting system on Nexus file pages. This system is opt-in, which means if you want to make use of it on your file pages you need to go to "Edit Attributes" on your files and then set "Allow users to add bug reports about your file" to "Yes" under "User Permissions". The bug reporting system will then be turned on for your file page. You don't need to turn on or use this new system if you don't want to and you can turn it off at any time.

The bug reporting system creates a new tab on your file page and from this tab users can post new bug reports to the system and mod authors can respond to and control the contents of the bug reporting system, which works in a similar way to the commenting system. You can specify the status of the bug (being looked at, known issue, duplicate issue, solved) and the priority of the bug report in relation to all the others (low, medium or high) as well as removing the bug if it isn't relevant.

Either you or the user can decide to set the bug report to "private" if you'd like to keep it just between the two of you, which might be handy if you need to share information about your setup that you don't want other people to be able to see.

Mod authors can also manage and move bug reports made in the file comments into the bug reporting system. This will help to keep your file comment system more tidy while providing obvious signs that you've recognised what the user has commented on is a bug with a link to the bug report in question.

This is our first go at the bug reporting system so we're happy to listen to constructive feedback on ways to improve it for you.

Changes to the file image uploading system

This has been a much requested feature over the past few months. We've now updated the file image uploading system to allow you to upload as many images as you want without having to reload the page every 5 images. We've even set it up so you can drag and drop one or more images straight from your hard-drive to the box on the website to save you some time.

We are still aware of and working on fixing the issue with images displaying as broken for the first 10 minutes or so after you upload new images to the site. It's to do with our caching system on our static content servers. All 8 of them.


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  1. goatcha
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I am constantly having a problem with the adobe plugin lagging out in Firefox.
    Uses up about 30% of my available memory and takes 2 or 3 shut down plugin selections; after waiting 5 minutes for the box to show up each time after the site and usually the entire browser becomes unresponsive.
    Inactive script error or something, anyway its a major recurring problem and the only real way to fix it is to manually crash Firefox and restart it.
  2. Loukiana
    • member
    • 14 kudos
      Since a few weeks i was no more able to upload any pictures ( screenshot in jpeg format ) . Issue solved today after i updated my " old " IE9 browser to the version IE10 ( not tried with the version 11) .
     I  still use Windows7 - 64 bits.
    So ,this is just a comment to confirm there is no particular reason to switch to Chrome , Firefox or others ...  if you use the old IE9, and want to stay with a Microsoft browser , time to upgrade it to the version 10 or 11 .
    Thanks for " listening " .
    PS  :oh , sorry : bravo for the new system ...the drag & drop function works very fast !
    Thank you.
  3. Katrinawhiterose1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    nexus mod manager doesn't work with windows 10. after the update from windows 8 to 10 it doesn't want to open it. so I'm hoping there will be a update for it.
    1. OvergrownCZ
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, works
  4. johnnylump
    • premium
    • 168 kudos
    After a few months of use, I have some suggestions for improving the bug reports interface:

    * Allow mod author to have an "instructions" text that appears at the top of the bug report thread OR appears when a user initiates a bug report. I get a lot of reports that aren't actionable because the user didn't provide enough information about how they are using our mod.

    * Sort "Needs More Information" so it is right after "New Issue" instead of at the bottom, so it's easier for players to respond.

    * Add two new bug report statuses: "User Error" and "User Troubleshoot." We get bug reports from players 1) not following instructions and 2) not finding our troubleshooting guide.

    * Add a checkbox so the user can be alerted when responses are posted on the bug thread

  5. deleted7103646
    • account closed
    • 135 kudos
    the bug reports should onle be allowed to be visible after the author checked it to see if it is really a bug, or just a mod incompatibility.

    cause more often people just don't know if a problem they're having is because of the mod in question, or if it is related to mod incompatibility, or bad load order, or simply because something else is wrong in their PC.

    I've seen it happen too many times that people just blame the latest mod installed when something totally different was the culprit for their problem.

    Many users don't know anything about mods and how they work, or how they work together.

    This results in huge nonsensical bug lists that scare new users away, and they probably wouldn't have any problem at all if they would use the mod. know, as always, nice to see new features implemented, thanks !
  6. stuartw111
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Hi Just downloaded the mod Blue hotel(Fallout nv) but after the 1st part Im at the lift with the code after the basement and it just will not let me in and theres nowhere to go.

    There also seems to be a problem as i can only down load Blue hotel main and if download the Blue hotel (Esp) esm? the game just doesnt start!!Help!
    Wrong place - this should be posted in the Fallout NV Mod troubleshooting forums
  7. FastFloyd
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Can someone please tell me where to go to report a bug with my Nexus update? I came online today and Nexus updated my Nexus Mod Manager automatically. Okay, I let it do that, figured it would be okay. But when I went back to check on NMM, I found all of my mods missing. The plug-ins were still active but I had no Mods to view, remove, install or whatever. Nothing but a blank Mod screen.Can someone offer suggestions? I am at level 34 and that represents a lot of time.
  8. KkJiro
    • premium
    • 340 kudos
    2 things from a newish user (as a mod maker anyway) - a user has posted a blast of crash reports into the comments section - I have moved them into bug reports but the comments haven't moved...

    Is there anyway to force them to move?Or should "move to bugs" be "copy to bugs"?

    Alternatively is there a way to edit out users comments to remove the crash report?
  9. tg08096
    • premium
    • 13 kudos
    Fantastic news, sounds great!
  10. Thandal
    • Moderator
    • 184 kudos
    @Claysson33;  In the same forum as all the other NMM-related stuff:  Nexus Mod Manager - Open Beta.
    Be sure to review the "Known Issues" first.