Visuals and Graphics
- Refine results Found 14 results. 280 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
A SweetFX preset designed to enhance the textures and the overall graphics of X:R without overdoing it. Tested in all star systems to provide the best results in both dark and bright sectors. Features: - Much better texture appearance - Sharp graphics - HDR-like glows - Movie like look - Low FPS impact
- 834KB
- 974
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A SweetFX preset designed to enhance the textures and the overall graphics of X:R without overdoing it. Tested in all star systems to provide the best results in both dark and bright sectors. Features: - Much better texture appearance - Sharp graphics - HDR-like glows - Movie like look - Low FPS impact
Annoyed with the lack of visibility with the highways? X is beautiful, and the highways are a good time to take it in. This mod decreases the alpha on the highway maps, making them more transparent. Now you can see that station coming up and plan your exit - no need to look at the bar.
- 1KB
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Annoyed with the lack of visibility with the highways? X is beautiful, and the highways are a good time to take it in. This mod decreases the alpha on the highway maps, making them more transparent. Now you can see that station coming up and plan your exit - no need to look at the bar.
replaces the background stars everywhere and the Albion planet, the planets of DeVrie and the nebula of DeVrie (so far)
- 104.8MB
- 220
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replaces the background stars everywhere and the Albion planet, the planets of DeVrie and the nebula of DeVrie (so far)
Removes all stardust from the game.
Sweet Rebirth FX will provide you several SweetFX 1.5.1 based (64bit compatibility!) presents to choose from. More presents will join the ultimate collection from time to time!
- 7.0MB
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Sweet Rebirth FX will provide you several SweetFX 1.5.1 based (64bit compatibility!) presents to choose from. More presents will join the ultimate collection from time to time!
finally see more then engineering bay clutter when docked at your capships.
Clears the highways visual FX
Better Space addon for XR Re-imagined and SweetFX
This is a X-Rebirth Re-Imagined/SweetFX replacement settings file which will make the X Rebirth environments look better and more realistic.
- 6KB
- 156
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Better Space addon for XR Re-imagined and SweetFX
This is a X-Rebirth Re-Imagined/SweetFX replacement settings file which will make the X Rebirth environments look better and more realistic.
Less Highlights for Less FPS Drop
This mod try to reduce FPS drop on some systems when info point or trade offer station parts highlight occur.
- 1KB
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Less Highlights for Less FPS Drop
This mod try to reduce FPS drop on some systems when info point or trade offer station parts highlight occur.
InfopunkteAbschalten InfoDisable
Schaltet bereits erkundete Infopunkte an Stationen ab. Remove the InfoPoints on Stations your allready have explore.
- 3KB
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InfopunkteAbschalten InfoDisable
Schaltet bereits erkundete Infopunkte an Stationen ab. Remove the InfoPoints on Stations your allready have explore.
Fixes a lot of jagged edges and overly blotched dark colors. I simply tried to make everything clear while smoothing out Jagged lines. Also helps reduce the white circle effect that Asteroids tend to have. It's so good you'll never want to go back!!!
- 884KB
- 48
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Fixes a lot of jagged edges and overly blotched dark colors. I simply tried to make everything clear while smoothing out Jagged lines. Also helps reduce the white circle effect that Asteroids tend to have. It's so good you'll never want to go back!!!
Reshade with 4k-LUT for XR 64-bit
Hi guys , i create a new reshade preset according to my taste and i want to share it with you
- 4KB
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Hi guys , i create a new reshade preset according to my taste and i want to share it with you
Just 1 basic Alternative to seeing the constant reminder we all bought a game 3 years ago that's still in beta.
- 345KB
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Just 1 basic Alternative to seeing the constant reminder we all bought a game 3 years ago that's still in beta.