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John Colman

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About this mod

This mod adds the new system treasure chest east to omikron lyrae.

Permissions and credits
Treasure Chest

This mod adds the new system treasure chest east to omikron lyrae.
The gate is located in Omikron Lyrae / Devoid Clime / Path of Glory.


Both DLC´s are required (Teladi Outpost & Home of Light)

I added contents from the following mods, so make sure to have
them installed to get this mod properly working:
Lost Sectors by KrYcHokE
mm_docks by marvin martian
argoncentaur, argonheavycentaur & argontitan by sir francis drake

The ships from UTRahanasHybridPlus by Unitrader are implemented (no need to download this mod).
Also big thanks to those for using their contents.
Thanks to Alexalsp for the russian translation.

Recommended Mods:
Because one of the planets uses the skin of albion.

Put the mod in: X Rebirth\Extensions and everything should

There also now an adapted version for linux users available!


1.01 Added russian translation by Alexalsp

1.02 Removed unnecessary station

1.06 Some bugfixes, UTRahanasHybridPlus ships added

1.10 -Highways improved
-Nebulas added to some asteroidfields
-Cyan nebula in Brennan changed for better fps performance
-Masstraffic and amount of npc ships in total reduced
-Npc freightships do now also travel to directly neighbouring systems for trade
-Some npc patrol ships now fly together with other capitals as combat groups
-Arawn and balor frigate added to patrols and balor to shipyard

1.12 -Highways improved to be smoother
-Stations near highways slightly moved to avoid clipping
-Destroyed miningstation model has been visually improved

1.12.1 -Mistake corrected, all fuelstations changed to albion version

1.20 - Bugs related to Lost Sectors Update 1.5 have been fixed
- Unused Content removed for smaller MB size
- More fightervariation in NPC patrols and escorts
- People on stations are now from the same factions that own stations inside the system

1.22 - Gasfreighters do now also transport ions and plasma
- Spawntimes of military ships fixed, they now take longer to respawn if destroyed
- Gates do now also open in campaign starts, after you reached Omikron Lyrae and spoke to JimeeTomson (Chapter3/Part2)

1.40 -New ship (Herakron) added, can be bought in any Large BTO Shipyard (based on unused model from Lost Sectors mod).
-Tasks for ships in the system (jobs) have been revised
-Ion deposits in the Farnham sector added
-Fixed bugs concerning missing personnel on space stations and the jumpgate connections
-Fiji Argnu added as a fully functional faction

1.60 -Rework of the star- and nebulabackground aswell as the sun.
-Both moons have been swapped for better realism with smaller versions and moved a bit for compensation
-A new Jumpgate has been added to Farnham/Past Relic, this will connect in the future to an upcoming system
-Local- and Superhighways have their speed increased
-Issues with Crychokes Encyclopedia_LS_Fix regarding changed textures and different looks have been resolved
-Lighteffect of the engines from the argon nova fighter changed
-A bunch of smaller bugfixes

Changes of the latest update can be seen on the first 4 pictures, as all pictures havent been updated.


Dieser Mod fügt das neue Schatzkammer System östlich an Omikron Lyrae an.
Das Tor befindet sich in Omikron Lyrae / Leere Gefilde / Pfad des Ruhms.


Beide DLC´s werden benötigt (Teladi Outpost & Home of Light)

Ich habe Inhalte aus folgenden Mods hinzugefügt, deswegen stellt sicher,
dass diese installiert sind, damit der Mod richtig funktioniert:

Lost Sectors von KrYcHokE
mm_docks von marvin martian
argoncentaur, argonheavycentaur & argontitan von sir francis drake

Die Schiffe aus UTRahanasHybridPlus von Unitrader sind eingebaut (mod muss nicht heruntergeladen werden)
Außerdem großes Dankeschön an euch, dass ich eure Inhalte verwenden
Danke an Alexalsp für die russische Übersetzung.

Empfohlene Mods:
Weil einer der Planeten das Aussehen von Albion verwendet.

Pack den mod in: X Rebirth\Extensions und alles sollte

Es gibt nun auch eine angepasste Version für Linux Nutzer!