XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Site Changes

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Important for Supporters
A bug was recently found and fixed in the "top-up" system that meant that, over the past fortnight if you paid for a subscription it more than likely won't have gone through (although payment has been received) unless you emailed me letting me know.

If you have paid for supporter time but are not receiving the benefits please contact me with the email you used to pay for the time as well as your username and I'll credit your account. Never fear, your supporter time will start from when I set it, not from when you paid :)

Other changes
Lots of aesthic changes to the site have been done today. Most noteable change is moving the "Files" news, which mostly contained news on the day's uploaded/updated mods directly into the file system and out of the front page of the site. This was done because important general news to do with Morrowind/Oblivion/The site was getting quickly shunted down the page before being seen by a lot of people.

You can see the past 10 days worth of uploaded/updated mods in the left-hand navigation of the file system now.

I've also changed the "Support The Source" notice so that it only shows on the index page of the file system. On any other page it is no longer visible so less scrolling needs to be done to get to actual content.


  1. Switch
    • premium
    • 43 kudos
    Sweet, thanks Dark0ne. ^^ The front page looks much cleaner without all that mod news.
  2. Povuholo
    • supporter
    • 157 kudos
    Lots of aesthic changes to the site have been done today. Most noteable change is moving the Files news, which mostly contained news on the day's uploaded/updated mods directly into the file system and out of the front page of the site. This was done because important general news to do with Morrowind/Oblivion/The site was getting quickly shunted down the page before being seen by a lot of people.

    Nice, that always bugged me. Thanks!

    By the way did you see this and this thread? Would be nice to see that changed as well.
  3. Abramul
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Logged out, and back in. Ads don't show up either way. (You don't have a non-supporter test account?)
    Although my first assumption was that this change somehow messed it up, I realized that a recent extension (Answers) I installed could, in principle, have something to do with this.

    EDIT: I disabled Answers, and the ads still don't show up. It does seem to be accessing the relevant domain, however...

    EDIT 2: It seems that this may not be a new problem.

    EDIT 3: The bottom ad shows up fine, although since it requires Adobe's version of Flash, there's nothing but a You need to upgrade message there.
  4. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,926 kudos
    It's there for me when I logout...
  5. Abramul
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Was the advertising supposed to disappear?