X4: Foundations

A workflow to scanning stations using two mods:
Signal Leak Hunter - increasing range: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/498
Station Scanner: https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/496

A recap from the X4 manual:

  • 'Getting really close to a station module passively obtain information about it.'
  • 'The amount of information gained being proportional to the type of scanner equipped (Basic Scanner < Police Scanner < Spacesuit Scanner < upgradedĀ  Spacesuit Scanner).'

What those two points mean:
Flying by a module scans it. Note that undiscovered modules are highlighted when the scanner is active.

There are several scan levels and some modules require a specific scan level:
  • Basic ship scanner = scan level 0
  • Police ship scanner = scan level 1
  • Spacesuit scanner = scan level 2
  • Upgraded spacesuit scanner = scan level 3

Unfortunately, the highlights of undiscovered modules are removed even when they are ONLY partially scanned - regardless of whether they require the spacesuit scanner. This makes it difficult to identify modules that need the spacesuit scanner.

The Signal Leak Hunter - increasing range mod:
The Signal Leak Hunter will increase its range every second until it detects and targets a signal leak. Because its range resets at each detection, it's more efficient to hunt for signal leaks than to wait until all signal leaks are detected.

The Station Scanner mod:
The Station Scanner highlights undiscovered modules bright red. It will also detect and target modules that need the spacesuit scanner as your ship scanner passively scans them as you fly by them. These targets will not be visible unless the Station Scanner mission is active. During spacewalks, it detects and targets the nearest module that still needs a scan every time a module's scan is completed.

The workflow:
  • Activate the ship scanner. With the Signal Leak Hunter mission active, fly around the station, hunting for signal leaks, and scanning undiscovered modules.
  • Leave signal leaks that are unreachable by ship for now. Stay in the ship and continue hunting for signal leaks and scanning undiscovered modules.
  • You can switch between the Signal Leak Hunter mission and the Station Scanner mission to see targeted signal leaks and to see targeted modules anytime. For this workflow, switch to the Signal Leak Hunter mission before you continue hunting for signal leaksĀ and scanning undiscovered modules.
  • When all possible signal leaks are detected and scanned, and all undiscovered modules scanned, exit the ship and spacewalk.
  • Activate the spacesuit scanner. Spacewalk and scan the remaining signal leaks that were unreachable by ship.
  • When absolutely all signal leaks are detected and scanned, the Station Scanner mission will automatically activate, showing all modules that it detected to need the spacesuit scanner.
  • Spacewalk to these modules to scan them. As you complete each scan, the Station Scanner will detect and target the nearest module with an incomplete scan. Follow this trail of targets until the Station Scanner stops detecting incomplete modules.
  • At this time, the station scan level is at 100% and all its signal leaks detected.

With the Signal Leak Hunter - Increasing Range mod and the Station Scanner mod active, only the guesswork of scanning stations is removed - without their changes seeming like cheats. And the intended gameplay is kept intact.

Thanks to Loktide for allowing me to modify his original Signal Leak Hunter mod.

The Station Scanner was built by me, kuertee.

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