X3: Terran Conflict

That Google malware thing

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Oh the irony of it. I wake up this morning ready to write out my plans for ads on the site and instead find Google have slapped a Malware warning on many of the pages of Skyrim Nexus, due to the ads. How tittingly annoying.

First of all, sorry about the mess. Second of all, it should be “fixed” soon (not that anything is broken). So what’s happened?

When Google sends its bots throughout the web to maximise their search content the bots also run all sorts of tests. One such test is a malware test to see if the site is trying to do anything naughty with your computer. The site could be naughty because it’s deliberately trying to be naughty, or because it’s been hacked by naughty people. Either way, it flags the sites and servers that are naughty and stores them in a big database. This morning on a routine Google bot visit, the bot was served an ad that came from one of those flagged sites; an adserver Google has flagged as serving malware. So naturally, rather than Google blocking your browser from just seeing that ad server, Google has blocked half of Skyrim Nexus, irrespective of whether you are using an ad blocker, anti-virus, anti-malware or any myriad of possible solutions that mitigate and dissipate any threat. Annoying, huh? Queue the face palm.

So why are we serving an ad from a server flagged as serving malware? Well, that one’s even more complex, but I’ll try and break it down for you as quickly as possible. When you’re not doing direct ad sales (e.g. calling up Bethesda’s ad agency and asking if they’d like to purchase inventory on the sites directly), you pass your advertising inventory to ad firms who sell your inventory for you. They’ll give you high quality ads most of the time, but if they can’t sell your impression they’ll pass it on to ad markets, where 100s of ad suppliers are congregated in a form of bidding technology, where the highest bidder for that impression gets to show their ad in that space. This is naturally all done by technology and maths, lots and lots of maths, in a split second. Ad firm A has decided your impression is worth $0.001. Ad firm B has decided it’s worth $0.0011. Ad firm B gets to display their ad to you. Unfortunately, if Ad firm B have been hacked, or have stupidly not vetted the ads they’re showing properly then Google might flag them as naughty malware suppliers. If a Google bot comes to your site when an ad is shown from that naughty ad supplier, BAM, you’re a malware supplier too. And that’s what has happened. Wondering why Google doesn’t just block any access to that supplier, rather than blocking every site that might have used an ad from the supplier? Me too.

I’m always working with my ad suppliers to increase the quality of the ads and remove any crappy suppliers. Today we were unlucky, and now we’ve got to wait for the Google bots to come back around, recheck the sites and confirm that they’re safe to use. They are safe to use. We haven’t been hacked or infected, and you can tell pretty easily. Go to Oblivion Nexus, or Morrowind Nexus, or any other Nexus site. Notice how Google is saying nothing about them? Skyrim Nexus was just unlucky. Showing the wrong ad at the wrong time.

As always you should be doing things to mitigate any damage that malicious code can do to your computer. An adblocker will not protect you from a hacked site, just hacked ads. You should have a good anti-virus program installed on your PC. And that copy of Norton anti-virus you got with your PC isn’t one of them. Any one of AVG, Avast, Comodo, Panda or Avira (which are all free) coupled with Ad-Aware and Malware Bytes will keep you super safe 99.99999% of the time. An adblocker will mitigate your chances of getting attacked by a malicious ad, but not completely prevent it and it will also severely dampen the Nexus’s ability to stay afloat financially. If you want to use one, that’s your choice, but you do hurt the Nexus by doing it.

Once again I apologise for this annoying situation, and we now wait on Google to come back around and sort this out.


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  1. RazaCovek
    • account closed
    • 4 kudos
    I use Noscript Suite and Adblock for Firefox to prevent ads from even showing.
  2. Monkinsane
    • premium
    • 12 kudos

    All the anti-malware features of Chome and Firefox do is check the main url against a blacklist. What you want to do is beyond the scope of the code that has been written. If it is easy then submit your proof of concept code to Mozilla and Google.

    Which is what Adblocker does; checks a blacklist of scripts and sites and prevents such scripts from running if they're on the blacklist.

    I'm very much aware it's beyond the scope of the current code (else it would be in the browser already!), but it's not beyond the realms of very simple possibility. How do I know? Because Adblocker already has this functionality.

    Get NoScript addon for firefox.
    You can choose which scripts are allowed to run.
  3. Monkinsane
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Actually, while it is a good antivirus program, Avast is known for crashing Skyrim. So, it's probably not the best antivirus program to propose on the Skyrim Nexus.

    I run AVAST with no issue. Where'd u hear that?
  4. Nightrider1337
    • member
    • 1 kudos

    Can you guys please fix the security issues with your ads. For the second time in 48hrs I have been infected with "Rootkit.Harbinger.a". This is unacceptable.
    1. bronze316
      • member
      • 245 kudos
      I agree 100%. Let's just have patience I guess.
  5. Ryoketsu
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    You know, I barely come here, and when I do it's a quick mod sweep, but after reading this and realizing something. You mean to tell me, you guys have a premium subscription of people paying you money, but you STILL sell your ads off to anyone that will pay the most, including people that supply us as your visitors with viruses.

    That sounds pretty sad to me. You guys need to straighten your s#*! up, or I'll have to stick to steam for my mods from now on.
    1. TheBlueDeath1000
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Like they care if you go to steam?

      Pro-tip: No, they don't care, neither do we. Actually we'd prefer it if you did go to just steam and reframe from posting stupidity here.

    2. Herbaceous
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      And you are one of the premium subscription members? Because if not, you have absolutely no justifiable right to complain about ads...
  6. Gorre
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    @ Ryoketsu;

    If that's sad, then pretty much any website on the internet with ads on it is sad. Given the size and power of the nexus series of sites, it would probably be impossible to run off of premium subs in the first place. Running a site of this magnitude is not cheap. It's quite expensive, really.

    There's nothing wrong with trying to make money. It's business, it's how you survive, and it's how you provide the best services to you audience.
  7. Squiddy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    @Ryoketsu - Maybe you should look into just how much it costs to run a site this big and this bandwidth intensive. Hint; It's a lot of money.
  8. bronze316
    • member
    • 245 kudos

    Usually I only care about Skyrim when I come to this site, but since this topic mentions malware (what I'm paid to deal with at work), I felt the impulse to comment. No offence to anyone out there.

    Especially you Sirchet. Accept my apologies.

    The only comment that makes any sense on here is the one posted by MrTUN3R (it might be on the next page by now).
  9. MotoSxorpio
    • premium
    • 188 kudos
    cuz this has to do with malware.

    Did my comment mention that's what he wrote? No. My point is that there is someone out there telling other people to give money to the Nexus site for the sake of not having ads that are posing to be a security risk. I like to post open-ended comments that should not be taken literally, or verbatim. People will read it and draw their own conclusions from it. Reading skills are required, but critical thinking skills are something that we should all use more often.

    I love the Nexus site, but I think we should be firm and vigilant with them when it comes to this type of issue and not "defend" them. They have plenty of their own people that can do that. It's unacceptable, but at least it sounds like they're trying to resolve it.

    No offence Dark0ne, it could happen to the best of us. I'm an IT Security Professional and know how screwed up the infrastructures really are.
    omkay...I will just leave that cuz I only copy pasted things and this is what I get.^ And in the act of trying to see what who where...I got lost, so...deal.
  10. DrakeTheDragon
    • Moderator
    • 306 kudos
    Did my comment mention that's what he wrote?

    Actually, yes, word by word. You literally accused sirchet of giving this 'bad advice' while he wasn't.
    But nevermind. I just was in an aggressively defensive mood again after reading too many mod comments this day. Usually I'm staying away from this kind of pointless discussions. My mood just got the better of me, again.
    And now I'm out of here before I keep continuing this bad behavior and getting myself involved deeper into something 'not my business'.