World of Tanks

Server move complete

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Welcome back! If you're reading this message then you're browsing The Elder Scrolls Nexus at its new home on a new server. I pulled both TESNexus, FO3Nexus and the forums down at 14:20 GMT and as of 17:00 GMT the site is back up and operational, an hour earlier than expected. Thank you for your patience while the site was unavailable.

There are still a few issues to iron out in regards to the name servers the domains use that might mean over the next few days you get limbo'd about between the old and new server. If this happens you'll get sent to the "We'll be back soon!" page so that you know that you're looking at the old server and not the new server. These are typical teething issues of any server move and should sort themselves out between 12 and 72 hours.

As the Nexus sites are now on new servers there might be a few glitches and slow-downs. If you see error messages anywhere on the site please report them via the contact form on the site or on the forums; there's a big chance I won't have noticed the error message and reporting it will speed up the fixing process. In regards to site slow-downs this is something that gets fixed over time as I monitor the server loads and gradually tweak the server configuration files to suit the changing environment.

So please remain vigilant to error messages and remain patient if the site becomes unresponsive. The server configuration files are highly specialised to my sites and take time to get right, especially when the server hardware and software has changed.

Lastly let me once again thank the supports of TESNexus and FO3Nexus whose monetary contributions help to keep this site not only running, but fully backed up from disaster.


  1. Hoxilangbein
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have huge problems with how to download files, I think there is a file problem. I have game of the year edition does it matter? If you know anything that can help me please send me a message at my adress

  2. roquefort
    • member
    • 30 kudos
    Great to see the site back up again. Any chance that the file-search results pages can be improved some time for Firefox browsing? The text can be really cluttered and jumbled (it's fine in IE).

    Otherwise a fantastic website <img class=">
  3. kyedek
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    YAY!!! I love this site so im happy you are bak!!! -Smile-