Certainly not 2077

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  1. BlLLthecat
    • supporter
    • 69 kudos
    This looks cool! Nice shots and I love the soundtrack! Is the language they're singing in Hungarian? Music to my ears. Literally  
    I play Empire sometimes. Not similar at all lol. But it has tanks! Thanks for sharing B!
    1. Banshee2077
      • supporter
      • 156 kudos
      Thank you for commenting! : ) It's Polish, I love it too!
      It's a long time since I played an RTS game, but I had my fair share for sure. : )
  2. h4x24
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    I can relate. I love card games. Played TCGs like Yugioh/MTG competitively as a kid (shame TCGs are so expensive if you want to build competitive decks!). Later poker became my main competitive game. I'm not sure why I'm doing Skyrim screenshots now either, but I suppose it's nice to try something that's more art related for a change.

    Nice World of Tanks screenshots and videos
    1. Banshee2077
      • supporter
      • 156 kudos
      Hehe, same! :highfive:
      I started MTG when I was 14. I was lucky, because one of my good friend had a crazy collection. Preparing and traveling around for tournaments became too difficult when I went to University. Then online poker for many-many years.
      Hearthstone was a thing of course (which was also my way into HOTS and Overwatch - connecting to my other comments).

      Not that long ago I tried MTG Arena btw for a good year. It's really good, and way-way cheaper than tabletop! Especially, if you love drafts and you're good at them! You can just go "infinite", that's how I made a basically full collection pretty much free to play. Then again, it's crazy time consuming! If you want to keep up with the high level constructed meta there, then be prepared to play that and nothing else. : )
    2. h4x24
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      That's so cool. Didn't think I'd meet a fellow card game enthusiast in screenarchery of all places . I still play online poker but not as much as I used to. The game gets harder every year, and solvers become better as computers become faster over time unfortunately.

      Yeah I also tried MTGA for like a month last year. It was nice to just be able to hop into a couple of drafts, but I found out like you said if you want to play high level constructed and don't want to pay, then you pretty much have to make it your full-time job haha. But it's great that there's the option now to play a few games and hop into some drafts more cheaply now.
  3. Archangeyl
    • premium
    • 216 kudos
    I just looked this game up. Just off glancing at the box years ago as a kid, I had always assumed it was some sort of throwaway game trying to get in on the CoD craze of the late 2000s/early 2010s; I had no idea it was a competitive MMO. That actually sounds pretty interesting

    For a 12 year old game, it looks beautiful. Of course, you do it much justice with these high-quality shots
    1. Banshee2077
      • supporter
      • 156 kudos
      : )) hehe.
      It went through a big graphics overhaul couple years ago. Thank you! <3
  4. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Wonderful shots.  Never have played this game myself, but have a good buddy that does and he's made short vids on the action in the game.  It's surprising just how stealthy he can get in a tank.
    1. Banshee2077
      • supporter
      • 156 kudos
      Yup, it's possible. : ) Thank you very much Pat!
  5. frank213
    • premium
    • 828 kudos
    great pictures Banshee, I've heard a lot about the game and it's nice to see how it looks in the game. I wish you a lot of fun with the change until you play Cyberpunk again.
    1. Banshee2077
      • supporter
      • 156 kudos
      Thank you very much Frank!
  6. Sanna92
    • supporter
    • 219 kudos
    I tried a few competitive games before, mostly Heroes Of The Storm and Overwatch but this type of video games clearly isn't for me.
    I'm a perfectionist to a ridiculous degree and when that is mixed up with a competitive nature of some games... well, you can imagine.
    So, after a while I decided to quit for the sake of my friends. Otherwise they would get PTSD

    I'm not sure if I understood correctly the part about being competitive in screenarchery... but honestly, it's better to not see it like that.
    Why? Because after a while you'll notice it's more of a popularity contest than posting something that is actually good.

    As for the images above, well... I can't say I know ANYTHING about tanks but I can say that some of these sceneries are really nice looking. 
    Anyways, I wish you luck pew-pew-ing other tanks!

    PS: sorry for elongated comment ^_^
    1. Banshee2077
      • supporter
      • 156 kudos
      I just meant that I'm really trying to improve with my pictures. ; )

      That's funny, because Overwatch and HOTS exactly the two game I tried before this. And same here, if I'm going into it, I can't just do it a little bit... just for fun, no-no! The real fun part for me is progressing, learning about it, getting better at something. I think I started Overwatch in beta, I watched all the tournaments, the best players on Twitch, and it was crazy fun! We even played in a Hungarian tournament with my friends and finished second. :) (There should be a YT video somewhere where I'm pew-pew-ing everyone like a real champ with Tracer!) Then after the first ranked season I heard my friends talking about some really weird things around driving tanks, and well... that was a long time ago.
      Plus, I kinda realized at that time that I have just no real way to catch up with players who has like 10 years of CS/shooter experience. In other words, my progression slowed down a lot there.
      I have to admit, I was thinking about checking back with Overwatch 2 a little bit. As you said, it would be really dangerous business, but... mmm.

      About HOTS. Oh God, that was mentally taxing for me! :D I did my usual thing, watching twitch, reading all the guides, analyzing and stuff, but playing it mainly solo was so frustrating! I reached the highest rank solo, because I just had to do it at that point, I closed the game, and I never started it again! ;')

      Thank you for commenting and I'm glad you like some of them! <3

      PS: Huh! ; )
    2. Sanna92
      • supporter
      • 219 kudos
      Alright then, if you want to improve OR get depressed (like me every time I'm there) here's your website

      As for Overwatch, well I can't say I was good at it, I never really had any experience playing FPS games (mostly because I considered them as a type of video games that is mainly for guys) but I've spent a year or so playing it. I've quit somewhere around the time when those tank/healer only teams were insanely popular. It also killed a lot of fun I had in the game.

      In HOTS it was the other way around. After some time we found a stupid combination of heroes and we got to high diamond rank with over 90% winrate (Johanna, Anduin and Kerrigan stun-locking one person forever and turning every fight into 5vs4) aaand then we got bored
    3. Banshee2077
      • supporter
      • 156 kudos
      Haha, I know the feeling! I saw many of those names and pictures on Flickr. Thank you! Maybe I'll check out that discord... one day.

      Yeah, I heard that Overwatch had a lot of problems with balance and gameplay later on, but it was really fun at the beginning. Or at least I remember it that way. : )
      I think Johanna and Muradin were my main picks when I had to play with classic tank. I looked up Anduin, he arrived after my time. I remember that I played a lot of Kael'thas, Sylvanas (duh), Jaina. And some Zeratul for fun. :)
  7. xrayy
    • premium
    • 384 kudos
    cool images and probably a lot of fun even even if i don't like the pay to win online gaming genre.
    1. Banshee2077
      • supporter
      • 156 kudos
      Thank you! : )
      Players in the game who like to blame things more than learn are saying p2w a lot, and I understand why it has this stigma, but it's not true. It had a quite strong p2w aspect roughly 10 years ago, they changed it, but many players still stuck on that mindset, because it had this beginning. I'm not paying at all and I definitely don't have shortage of anything (more the opposite). I don't want to write an even longer comment on it, unless someone really curious about it. You can buy some things, if you don't want to play well or play at all for them, that's true (as a f2p game with that kind of business model), but it's not gonna make you better or win more in the long run.

      At the same time, I wouldn't really recommend to start it for anyone here. You can't really just pick it up and have fun with it from zero. Well, maybe someone could, but it generally takes a lot of time and struggling. : )
  8. LadyBella
    • premium
    • 213 kudos
    Wooooo nice job!!! These look amazing!!!!!
    1. Banshee2077
      • supporter
      • 156 kudos
      Thank you! <3
  9. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,118 kudos
    Excellent looking captures Banshee 
    Game looks great and detailed :))
    1. Banshee2077
      • supporter
      • 156 kudos
      Thank you so much Izzy! : ))