The Witcher 3

Oblivion texts turned into a single tome

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Gamerfront brings news about a Reddit user called notadoctoreither who has formatted, printed, and bound every text that appears in Oblivion.

We’re not talking about standard printer paper with a cardboard binding. No, he went all-out with some high-quality paper, and leather binding. The total cost of the project was roughly $130, and roughly a month’s worth of work. Half of that time was spent getting the text formatted for printing.

While he isn't making any more copies you can download the text already formatted and ready for you here and follow the tutorial he used here.

Thanks @DCDeacon and @Elderscrolls.


  1. jamochawoke
    • BANNED
    • 12 kudos
    Really cool!
  2. Luckysneak
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    I placed multiple e-book formats here on nexus ready for download just look up Oblivion Tome ebook or go to This is great for people who have e readers such as kindle, kobo etc and smart phones with e-reader software installed.
  3. Casyis
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm a full-time traditional bookbinder, so I applaud any attempt to bind a book. I think this is a good first start -- unfortunately the binding will not last very long (not to the fault of the binder; it is particularly difficult to do, as most bookbinders spend more time learning their profession than medical providers do learning theirs).

    I would be most interested to see the works of Oblivion bound in a style such as the pictures shown below, a project I recently completed -- a 15th Century replica of sorts, but a custom job for a client. Measures 14x16 and totals 45 working hours, and hand-dyed leather. If there was enough support behind such an undertaking, I'd probably be willing to do it and offer it up for sale. Be warned: it'd be a $1,000+ job.

    [email protected]

  4. Nealus
    • supporter
    • 51 kudos
    Impressive. It's really very nice to have that on your bookshelf.
  5. TPA5
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Oh my sweet giddy aunt, that looks exactly how I imagined it would. Me and my brother often talked about how cool it would be to have the Oblivion library on your shelf at home.
    Just imagine, Oh yes, this is my bookshelf. I have several classics such as Dostoyevsky's 'Crime and Punishment', Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'. and this rare first-edition of 'The Lusty Argonian Maid'.

    I dream. I dream.

    In any case, fantastic stroke on his part, he did a bang-up job on that! If he auctioned that off, I can only imagine the money he would make...from me...I could always sell my car and walk, right?
  6. IIRazoRII
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    When I first just saw the picture without reading the headline I thought "Umpfh, what's that? A toy of Bethesda?" but then I read the article and I just have to say "wow"! It's so impressive and an honorful work what he did... formatting all these texts is something what will help many. I've already downloaded the file and I'll try reading thorugh it =)

    And to the one who did that great job... I just can say keep on working, it looks great and if I would have the option to buy that, I would do immediately.
  7. Arthmoor
    • premium
    • 7,465 kudos
    Funny, I was just talking to someone last night about how cool it would be if someone had taken the time to bind all of the in-game books into a single collection. Then this shows up. Awesome.
  8. ub3rman123
    • premium
    • 204 kudos
    That's a lot more book than I thought there was.
  9. Ithildin
    • premium
    • 69 kudos
    Wow, impressive project - it's easy to see how devoted he is to the lore.
  10. NmESeth
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Downloaded and already reading it!