The Witcher 3

Skyrim developers plan to include romance and friendship in the game

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According to German website, Skyrim developers plan to include relationships (both romantic and otherwise) in the game. The website was able to interview some of the developers; and while not much new information was given out, the following statement is present in the article they posted.
Auch romantische Beziehungen und Freundschaften sollen sich demnach in der Planung befinden.

Which translates to:
Even romantic relationships and friendships are therefore being planned.

This article is the only evidence we have on the subject, as Skyrim developers have yet to confirm whether or not this is true. Also, note that the developers may only be “planning” to have relationships; and they may not be included in the finished game.
You can read the entire article here (Just be warned, it is in German).


  1. marksman_sniper
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thanks for the post! Handy thing knowing German
    Will have to decide whether getting Skyrim in German or English. I played Oblivion in both once and I felt that the German voice acting was more atmospheric than the American accented English (which suited Fallout 3 and New Vegas a LOT better imo).
  2. Byarru
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I like it, really, freinndship sounds amazing, a romantic love will make mods job easier. But, I remember how looked Oblivion so... I hope it'll be something more than "click "joke" and raise your realotnship"
  3. OblivionDawn
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    Hopefully this doesnt make it into the end result. The Elder Scrolls series is something that has done well without the influence of finding a love interest and developing a relationship etc etc. It doesn't need to head down the wrong direction by implementing that kind of stuff. And if it does make it in, it should just be a very optional thing, and inconsequential to the rest of the game.
  4. Zaldiir
    • Moderator
    • 484 kudos

    you people sicken me. i just know your going to make the oldest and ugliest orc and make him fall in love with a hot HGEC female

    haha, good luck on that one! <img class=">
  5. User_1754360
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    you people sicken me. i just know your going to make the oldest and ugliest orc and make him fall in love with a hot HGEC female
  6. nsti
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi all
    Romance and marriage system is confirmed by Fan FQ. Still not much is know about it...

    Click for more info

    Marriage section

    -Nsti X3
  7. seanthamaster
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Will it be all sexuality romance? I'd love some Khajiit action really looking forward to this game though!
  8. Spartan11752
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    If they are having it i hope they wont have the textures from Oblivion (i meen the face textures...uuggh)
  9. fame133
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hehe, I hope the romance will actually look like romance. Not neccecerally Dragon Age style, but at least hugs or kisses Anyways, happy to hear the news.
  10. DarkRemnant
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Why is this game sounding better and better by the second?