The Witcher 3

7 minutes of Skyrim footage from GameTrailers/E3 2011

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GameTrailers has posted the Skyrim "gameplay walkthrough" video Todd Howard showed earlier today. The almost seven minute video shows off various aspects of Skyrim, including...

  • Environments: tundra, nordic ruins/cave, forest, guard tower, etc.
  • Combat, including dragon shouts (knockback, fire breath, lightning storm), dual wielding, archery, sneak attacks, finishing moves, and spellcasting (healing, fire, shock).
  • Dragon combat (unscripted), soul absorption, etc.
  • Bandits, giants, mammoths, and draugr.
  • HUD shows health/magicka/stamina bars at the bottom, compass up top. Gaining a skill brings up level progress bar. Location discovered pop-up also shown.
  • Improved third-person camera & animations.

Overall there is some impressive footage, though not much truly new information. You can watch the full video on GameTrailers. The quality isn't great but for now it's the best available. Perhaps Bethesda will upload higher quality footage at a later time.

Skyrim will also be shown Tuesday at 1 PM PST (4 PM EST) on G4TV and Wednesday at 5:00 PM PST (8 PM EST) on IGN.


  1. Choi_Seungmin
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Just take me, Todd. take me. X)
  2. zzrowgraff
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    wow, just wow
  3. Ghogiel
    • member
    • 228 kudos
    OMG did you see the detail on that slab of salmon? f***ing hell.

    The dragons and generally the animation is way beyond anything Beth has achieved in that area of game design. Frost dragons? oh s***!

    the UI is great. love it.

    It does look epic. The modding is going to be beyond epic. Really
  4. Dilir79
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    OMG this is so unreal , i mean that was the xbox 360 demo , i can not wait to see the options on the pc version, 11-11-11 need to get here already :X
  5. crudius
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Everytime i see a bit more....and look at the Calendar....damn, this years dragging.

    Wanna get my Dragon smashing game on! love the little jump onto its back and WHOOMP! right between the eyes!
  6. SelectivePants
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    It's fantastic...I like the new UI...Also the perk tree looks nice...reminds me of Crystarium from FFXIII!

    We we we we so excited!
    PSId you noticed that you can leave marks on your enemies' skin when you strike them ? :')
  7. Galahaut
    • premium
    • 85 kudos
    Yep, here:

    I (or someone else) will put another post up about it later.
  8. SelectivePants
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    G4TV gameplay is up!! They are showing UI!
  9. Galahaut
    • premium
    • 85 kudos
    At the moment MW3 is due for release on November 8th. 3 days sounds like plenty of time for that staleness, though. <img class=">
  10. Naith123
    • member
    • 1 kudos

    Is MW3 coming out around the 8th of November