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Adds several head items to your game. Hoods, Capes, Hats, Scarves, Masks, all you need for customization! Dyeing and switching between hood up and down included.
- 94.1MB
- 8.6k
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Adds several head items to your game. Hoods, Capes, Hats, Scarves, Masks, all you need for customization! Dyeing and switching between hood up and down included.
Customize graphics options directly in game menus.
God Mode - Play How You Want To
God Mode is designed to let you customize how you want to play the game, and which annoyances (such as death) you want to avoid.
- 766KB
- 7.1k
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God Mode - Play How You Want To
God Mode is designed to let you customize how you want to play the game, and which annoyances (such as death) you want to avoid.
Complete Animations is animation pack for regular actions that should have animations like drinking, eating, applying oil etc with complete control over them in mod menu.
- 281KB
- 6.8k
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Complete Animations is animation pack for regular actions that should have animations like drinking, eating, applying oil etc with complete control over them in mod menu.
Redefines all relic blades from scratch to be useful/gives you access to NPC only weapons/let you upgrade all relic blades,DLC and Kaer Morhen Armor,DLC and Witcher Crossbows,Viper and Vesemir Swords/adds dozens of new loot into the world/modifies some Vendors/adds many quest rewards/heightens Gwent bet to 50/adds new animations/effects etc.
- 33.1MB
- 6.5k
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Redefines all relic blades from scratch to be useful/gives you access to NPC only weapons/let you upgrade all relic blades,DLC and Kaer Morhen Armor,DLC and Witcher Crossbows,Viper and Vesemir Swords/adds dozens of new loot into the world/modifies some Vendors/adds many quest rewards/heightens Gwent bet to 50/adds new animations/effects etc.
Leveling Witcher and Relic gear UPDATED
1.31 Update of the famous mod by katalysis.
Leveling Witcher and Relic gear BALANCED
Levels a customizable list of Witcher and relic armor and swords to your level. Uses built-in vanilla leveling to ensure game balance. Now you can wear what you like without worrying about it being obsolete in 20 minutes.
- 85KB
- 5.5k
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Leveling Witcher and Relic gear BALANCED
Levels a customizable list of Witcher and relic armor and swords to your level. Uses built-in vanilla leveling to ensure game balance. Now you can wear what you like without worrying about it being obsolete in 20 minutes.
Customize various sword effects using the ingame options menu.
FCR3 - Immersion and Gameplay Tweaks
Collection of personal tweaks and fixes from The Witcher 3 dev. Mod mainly aims at fixing immersion breakers, buffing underperforming skills and items, cosmetic changes and bugfixing. It also fixes few instances of items and abilities that made Geralt (nearly) immortal and removed all the challenge from the game.
- 9.3MB
- 5.2k
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FCR3 - Immersion and Gameplay Tweaks
Collection of personal tweaks and fixes from The Witcher 3 dev. Mod mainly aims at fixing immersion breakers, buffing underperforming skills and items, cosmetic changes and bugfixing. It also fixes few instances of items and abilities that made Geralt (nearly) immortal and removed all the challenge from the game.
Tweaks horse AI for better parking and following behaviors.
New Quest - A Night to Remember
A Night to Remember is a new standalone quest which continues Orianna's story after the events of Blood & Wine. Created using Radish Modding Tools.
- 142.0MB
- 2.4k
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New Quest - A Night to Remember
A Night to Remember is a new standalone quest which continues Orianna's story after the events of Blood & Wine. Created using Radish Modding Tools.
Extended View Distance (Removes Fog)
Removes most of the fog.
More abilities, brand new cards, lore-friendly and balanced decks, informative descriptions, restored textures, it's Gwent Plus Plus!
- 1.6MB
- 2.0k
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More abilities, brand new cards, lore-friendly and balanced decks, informative descriptions, restored textures, it's Gwent Plus Plus!
Brighter Interiors in Toussaint
Brightens the dark interiors in Toussaint.
Sword Effects Customizer - Runes and Oils
This mod gives you an in-game menu to customize your sword runes and oils appearance. You can make runes glow permanently and even choose a color. You can also turn on or off oil effects on your swords.
- 38KB
- 1.3k
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Sword Effects Customizer - Runes and Oils
This mod gives you an in-game menu to customize your sword runes and oils appearance. You can make runes glow permanently and even choose a color. You can also turn on or off oil effects on your swords.
A lightsource for Geralt.
Provides FOV sliders for combat, exploration, sprinting, sailing and horse riding states.
- 115KB
- 1.2k
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Provides FOV sliders for combat, exploration, sprinting, sailing and horse riding states.
Changes the models and textures of all bombs of the game for more uniqueness for each of them, and adds 5 new bombs.
- 243.5MB
- 1.1k
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Changes the models and textures of all bombs of the game for more uniqueness for each of them, and adds 5 new bombs.
Primal Needs tries to increase the immersion of the game by adding hunger, thirst, fatigue, urine and feces as well as few other elements into the game.
- 645KB
- 1.1k
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Primal Needs tries to increase the immersion of the game by adding hunger, thirst, fatigue, urine and feces as well as few other elements into the game.
Add recipes and schematics to vendors