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Removes fall damage, so Geralt can freely attempt to parkour around Novigrad without risking a trip back to a loading screen. Updated for v1.30+!
- 8KB
- 31.9k
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Removes fall damage, so Geralt can freely attempt to parkour around Novigrad without risking a trip back to a loading screen. Updated for v1.30+!
Debug Console Enabler (for 1.06)
Simple tweak dll that re-enables the debug console Download and drop in `The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64`
- 27KB
- 13.8k
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Debug Console Enabler (for 1.06)
Simple tweak dll that re-enables the debug console Download and drop in `The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64`
Makes Geralt and the other witchers look more mutant-like and lore-friendly
HDMR - HD Monsters Reworked mod
This mod re-elaborates all the monsters (including expansions) to increase the details of the textures and maps .. HDMR tries to maintain the vanilla aspect so as not to alter the work of CDPR, but in some cases a complete or partial rework is been done due to the bad quality of the textures. NO LOSS OF FPS
- 2.8GB
- 13.7k
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HDMR - HD Monsters Reworked mod
This mod re-elaborates all the monsters (including expansions) to increase the details of the textures and maps .. HDMR tries to maintain the vanilla aspect so as not to alter the work of CDPR, but in some cases a complete or partial rework is been done due to the bad quality of the textures. NO LOSS OF FPS
Hey guys this mod is a stand alone release of my intense Igni and Ard effect from my mod Visual Immersion Overhaul. It makes the effects more intense.
- 39KB
- 23.9k
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Hey guys this mod is a stand alone release of my intense Igni and Ard effect from my mod Visual Immersion Overhaul. It makes the effects more intense.
More Money For Traders (Next-Gen)
adds/sets crowns to the trader everytime you open the trade menu
- 27KB
- 23.1k
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More Money For Traders (Next-Gen)
adds/sets crowns to the trader everytime you open the trade menu
Changes and expands weather system.
Nitpicker's Patch - various visual fixes
Fixes some lingering visual bugs
This very simple mod removes the "dirty lens" or "lens dirt" effect found in the game.
AMM - The Appearances Menu Mod
AMM allows you to change appearances from menu and a push of a button.Change: Hair, Beard, Face, Head, Capes, Shoulders, Accessories and more...Replace equipped armor for ANY Set Witcher or Common. No stats changesCHANGE SWORDS AND it's EffectsAlso FULLY change Roach without need to worry about stats!
- 510KB
- 11.1k
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AMM - The Appearances Menu Mod
AMM allows you to change appearances from menu and a push of a button.Change: Hair, Beard, Face, Head, Capes, Shoulders, Accessories and more...Replace equipped armor for ANY Set Witcher or Common. No stats changesCHANGE SWORDS AND it's EffectsAlso FULLY change Roach without need to worry about stats!
Customizable E3 2014 Camera Mod - Customizable Camera Positions - In-Game Camera Control - Smart Rotation (auto centering off until you decide you need it) - Player Head Tracking (optional) - Critical Slow Motion Combat Camera (optional)
- 326KB
- 13.0k
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Customizable E3 2014 Camera Mod - Customizable Camera Positions - In-Game Camera Control - Smart Rotation (auto centering off until you decide you need it) - Player Head Tracking (optional) - Critical Slow Motion Combat Camera (optional)
AutoLoot Configurable All-in-One (1.30-1.31)
A complete optimization/rewrite (with permission from the authors JupiterTheGod and CarbonAlabel) of AutoLoot Standard/Enhanced editions, with all aspects configurable through in-game menus. This mod also implements the new "True AutoLoot Mode," an absolutely hands-free looting system.
- 139KB
- 19.6k
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AutoLoot Configurable All-in-One (1.30-1.31)
A complete optimization/rewrite (with permission from the authors JupiterTheGod and CarbonAlabel) of AutoLoot Standard/Enhanced editions, with all aspects configurable through in-game menus. This mod also implements the new "True AutoLoot Mode," an absolutely hands-free looting system.
This mod will "add" a new Gwint Card Vendor.He sells 99% of all Gwent Cards.For those people who wanna play with their monster,scoiatel,skellige or nilfgaard deck more than the last 3 Gwint matches ingame,or those,who have missed some cards for their complete deck or Steam/GOG reward.
- 35KB
- 22.2k
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This mod will "add" a new Gwint Card Vendor.He sells 99% of all Gwent Cards.For those people who wanna play with their monster,scoiatel,skellige or nilfgaard deck more than the last 3 Gwint matches ingame,or those,who have missed some cards for their complete deck or Steam/GOG reward.
It will disable recap videos on game load
Community Patch - Bootstrap and Utilities
Utility mod which provides a standardized autostartup capability for other mods, support for custom area hubs handling, some utilities and a reusable list menu.
- 163KB
- 9.8k
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Community Patch - Bootstrap and Utilities
Utility mod which provides a standardized autostartup capability for other mods, support for custom area hubs handling, some utilities and a reusable list menu.
Community Patch - Shared Imports
Collection of fully imported classes (all attributes) without any functionality on its own. Meant as a baseline dependency for other mods to reduce merge conflicts.
- 24KB
- 13.7k
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Community Patch - Shared Imports
Collection of fully imported classes (all attributes) without any functionality on its own. Meant as a baseline dependency for other mods to reduce merge conflicts.
(Classic Edition) Community Patch - Base
This patch aims at creating a common base for modmakers and modusers to build and install their mods on with minimal amount of conflicts. The patch also provides basic support for new hubs that modmakers can now create with community-made Radish Modding Tools.
- 127KB
- 18.0k
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(Classic Edition) Community Patch - Base
This patch aims at creating a common base for modmakers and modusers to build and install their mods on with minimal amount of conflicts. The patch also provides basic support for new hubs that modmakers can now create with community-made Radish Modding Tools.
Fixes issues that the Missing Localization String Fix mod created.
Geralt HairWorks Colors and Styles
Color and style options for Geralt’s beard, hair and eyebrows.
- 12KB
- 6.8k
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Geralt HairWorks Colors and Styles
Color and style options for Geralt’s beard, hair and eyebrows.
This Reshade Frameworks package aims to make your game look as close as possible to the famous E3 Witcher 3 Screenshots from the trailer
- 21.4MB
- 13.6k
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This Reshade Frameworks package aims to make your game look as close as possible to the famous E3 Witcher 3 Screenshots from the trailer