About this mod
This mod keeps the screen clean. Removes dirty screen, water droplets, glare, blood, mud, toxicity, and other miscellaneous effects to keep those next-gen visuals looking pristine.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
You just upgraded to the Next-Gen version of The Witcher 3, and you are floored by its outstanding visuals. That is - until it starts raining, or you are traversing the countryside and getting dirty, or you are looking in the direction of the sun and getting glare. This mod will remove numerous effects and keep the visuals looking amazing at all times.
Main File (All-in-One)
The Main file contains all of the fixes in one mod, and specifically removes the following effects:
- Rain drop effect on the screen.
- Dirty grit showing up on the screen.
- Glare effect on the screen.
- Blood effects such as spatter on the screen and red corners when low on health.
- Toxicity effect of green haze on screen when toxicity is high.
- Frost effect of ice on the screen when in cold areas like the snowstorm while chasing Avallac'h.
- Disables the Blizzard Screen Fx which turns the screen to a shade of gray while Blizzard potion is active. (per request from forcedtoREG)
- Removes the mud that covers the screen when fighting the Water Hag.
- Removes the water animation from the screen when Geralt surfaces from underwater.
Optional Files (Standalone Versions)
For those that don't want all the effects or only want to mix and match certain effects, the following Optional files are available:
- Optional File 01 removes only rain, dirt, and glare
- Optional File 02 removes only blood and toxicity
- Optional File 03 removes only blizzard fx, underwater surfacing effect, frost, and mud
***Note: Optional Files are intended to be used as standalone versions. Do not combine them with the Main File.
There are two ways to install this mod:
1) Extract the contents of the file to your \Mods folder, typically found at:
[your drive directory]\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY\Mods
2)You may also use a mod manager. This has been fully tested and works with Vortex.
To uninstall, simply delete the mod from your \Mods folder or disable in your mod manager.
This mod changes the textures for dirt, rain, glare, frost, and blood as well as .w2p for toxicity and blood. It should be compatible with just about everything else out there unless some other mod also edits those same files. I recommend giving this mod higher priority in any conflicts.
Note: this mod contains scripts. Be sure to run Script Merger to make sure all your scripts get properly merged to keep all your mods working together properly.
Other Works
PaulR0013's Witcher 3 Mod List
PaulR0013's Cyberpunk Mod List