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SorceressJ and pMarK

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About this mod

The intention of the combination of these mods is, to not become OP when it comes to Geralt's Level for the upcoming Quests-Levels (which sometimes seem to be made a bit too low), but also have some more tuning for the Quests itselfs (balancing the XP for some Quests, especially Main Quests).

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Content of Readme:

XPTweaksAndSetXPMultiplier 1.2 by SorceressJ (also includes the content of SetXPMultiplier 1.7 by pMarK - Unification Patch Version)

Please endorse the original SetXPMultiplier mod here on Nexus for the great work of the author pMarK.

pMarK has released a new Version of SetXPMultiplier in April 2020 - but I still prefer the previous one, so that this Mod still uses 1.7 Version.
Copy modXPTweaksAndSetXPMultiplier from mods-folder to your mods-folder.

Copy the file in the bin-folder to the destination folder in your bin-folder. Choose the one you want: Normal or adjusted for Menu Strings Mod by wghost81.
My mod includes a little "Reward-Fix" for the "Missing in Action" Quest. In vanilla, the game gives you no money reward for completing this Quest.

Unification Patch by wghost81 is needed (as this Version of SetXPMultiplier is the updated Version for 1.31/1.32), so please download and use it if you not already have it.

The intention of the combination of these mods is, to not become OP when it comes to Geralt's Level for the upcoming Quests-Levels (which sometimes seem to be made a bit too low), but also have some more tuning for the Quests itselfs (balancing the XP for some Quests, especially Main Quests).
Recommended Setting for SetXPMultiplier in your Mods-Menu:

Set Quest XP to 0.60 (0.61) or 0.70 if you are a completionist of a Gamer.

Set Quest XP to 0.80 if you nearly play all Quests (if you just leave very few Quests undone).

Set Quest XP to 0.90 if you play just the Main Story and a few Side Quests. 1.00 will be the vanilla value, if you just play Main Story you can choose this.

Make sure, Quest XP are activated

Set Kills XP to 1 (vanilla)

Make sure, Kills XP are activated

If you're still feeling overpowered or even underpowered now somehow at some point in your playthrough, you can easily tweak these settings even more: You can increase or decrease XP for Quests and Kills to your liking and you can even toggle XP for Quests and Kills "temporarily" on/off.

The usage of this mod should prevent you now to be at some horrible point, where the game does not make enough fun anymore because of it becoming too easy.

Additional Information about recommended mods:
For generally harder gameplay I also would recommend, to use some combat mod(s). Personally I use SCBA (Hard Version) with some little tweaks for it by myself. The mod is really user-friendly and you can easily make some tweaks by yourself. And as an addition, I use the sadly no longer available mod EnhancedEredin - with some little tweaks to my personal liking, too.

If you like and use SCBA (especially the Hard Version) you might have encountered one "not so easy" situation. The moment, when you are forced to use the wooden Sword (inside the Borsody house - HoS-Quest) where you have to fight the guards. The wooden Sword deals some really low damage (which is realistic, of course) but on the other side, the guards are dealing really much damage (because of SCBA) - so the fight can last forever until Geralt dies (and before that happens, you might have hit the guards 50 times - and that is not realistic, of course) - because of getting some bad hits in this place, where you do not have much range to fight.

There is one other Quest in the Main Game where the Sword is used - where Geralt plays the Bandit and can decide to attack Dandelion with the Sword. Even if you attack him with the Sword, everything will work fine. It's just one hit against him - and that is funny for the scene and does not destroy it imho.

So, for this case, use my mod "Wooden Sword Damage Tweak - For SCBA (Smart Combat Balance Adjustment)" which can also be found on Nexus, of course.

Other choices for harder combat could be GhostMode or Enhanced Edition - for example. But be aware: Maybe these two are not completely compatible (I guess so) when it comes to merging. And even if they would be compatible, I would not recommend to use the combination of one of these two with XPTweaks - it would not make so much sense.