Fixed a bug when the mod auto-looted any dead bodies. Now it only autoloots bodies of NPCs killed by the player.
Version 1.2.1
Fixed a bug when the loot popup would appear in combat.
Version 1.2.0
Auto-loot enemies when killed.
Version 1.1.0
Improved performance by moving the AutoLoot hook location.
Improved compatibility by adding a new function to the hook.
Added a new Notification system.
Version 1.0.1
Fixed an issue when the mouse cursor wouldn't appear when it was supposed to.
Version 1.0.0
Initial release
This mod does its best to eliminate the tedious loot popup. Using customizable filters you can automatically loot whatever you want from containers, or manually loot things you might not want.
Check out AeroHD's Configurable All-In-One version of this mod, which has been updated more recently, and contains an in-game configuration menu / some new features.
Compatible with the latest Witcher 3 patch! Thanks Gopher for including my mod in his mod showcase! (AutoLoot appears at 6:52)
Containers with only X items in them: use this filter to loot containers with X items in them, or less than/more than X items in them.
Weight Filter: use this item filter to autoloot items of a certain weight.
Herbs Filter: auto loots herbs (ingredients).
Armors Filter: auto loots armors.
Weapons Filter: auto loots weapons.
Oils filter: auto loots oils.
Foodstuff filter: auto loots food and drinks.
Install Instructions Using Nexus Mod Manager: Click on Download (NMM).
Manual: 1. Download the version you want. 2. Extract modAutoLoot to your TheWitcher 3 The Wild Hunt\mods folder (create it if you do not have it!) 3. Start the game and wait for the scripts to compile.
For the AutoLoot in Radius feature: Open the Documents > Witcher 3 > input.settings file. Under the [Exploration] category add: IK_U=(Action=AutoLootRadius) also add the same thing under the [Swimming] and under the [Horse] category. You can also add it under the [Exploration_Replacer_Ciri] or under the [Diving] section if you want radius loot to work as Ciri or when diving.
Replace the IK_U with any other key you want, eg. IK_A, IK_LeftTrigger; For Radius Loot to work in combat, remove these lines: if( thePlayer.IsInCombat()) return;
in the modAutoLoot/Content/Scripts/Mod/ file.
Uninstall Instructions: NMM: delete the mod; Manual install: delete the modAutoLoot folder.
You can / should remove any custom keybinds from your input.settings file too.
How to customize: Except for the filters, all features of the mod can be changed in the modAutoLoot\Content\Scripts\mod\AutoLoot\ file!
function AL_NotificationTime() : float { return 5000.0; // This number is in milliseconds }
function AL_EnableNotificationColor() : bool { return true; // Set this to 'false' to disable notification colors }
function AL_EnableNotificationQuantity() : bool { return true; // Set this to 'false' to disable notification item quantity display }
function AL_EnableOnKillLoot() : bool { return true; // Set this to 'false' to disable on kill looting }
function AL_EnableRadiusLoot() : bool { return true; // Set to 'false' to disable radius looting }
function AL_RadiusLootMaxDistance() : float { return 15.0; // Set this to limit radius loot range }
function AL_RadiusLootMaxContainersAtOnce() : int { return 5; // How many containers to be looted at once }
function AL_LootSoundEnabled() : bool { return true; // Whether the game will play a sound or not. }