Main files
This file is buggy, so better choose another until it's fixed! Kudos to blurrednotions for telling me about it after 300DLs xD
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Comes in white:grey (mostly white color) and replaces DLC Hair 3. Still WIP
Replaces DLC Hairstyle #2 with Cinematic Hair with HW-beard and whiter
Replaces DLC Hairstyle #3 with Cinematic Hair with HW-beard and whiter
Same as the other file but this one is less white
Same as the other file but this one is less white
Cyberpunk 2077 hairstyle for Geralt (basically modified Zoltan hairstyle). Replaces DLC Hairstyle 1.
Optional files
HW strand Removal Addon for DLCHAIR2 to Cinematic Hair Replacement
HW strand Removal Addon for DLCHAIR3 to Cinematic Hair Replacement
HW strand Removal Addon for Vanilla Hair 3 to Cinematic Hair Replacement