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DESCRIPTION: This mod changes the way that bad weather looks like and adds extra weathers to all of the regions. Compatible with Complete Edition (Next Gen update) & RTX.
Mod changes list : - Added more snowy weather to Skellige, - added foggy weathers to every region of the game, - changed the way rain and storm weather looks, - edited some clouds to fit the weather and cover the sun in storm, - made light shafts less intrusive during bad weather.
Update 4.0: - Reworked mod from the ground to make it compatible with Complete Edition (Next Gen update) & RTX as well as older versions as long as you have B&W expansion installed, - adjusted bad weather probability, - added few new weather types, - adjusted water colors.
Installation: - Unpack the file in your Witcher 3 "mods" folder (e.g. Witcher3/mods).