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About this mod

This is simple ini file added Extreme graphics parameters(Extreme budget,Lod,Rendering,8k altas texture size and 8k texture size) and DNA Reshade preset.

Permissions and credits
This is simple ini file added Extreme graphics parameters(Extreme budget,Lod,Rendering,8k altas texture size and 8k texture size) and DNA Reshade preset.

Attention!  DNA Extreme 4.0  5-10 fps loss(Maximum settings)


Step 1: Go The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt and Copy & overwrite my bin folder.

Step 2: Go The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Mods folder and Copy my Mods.

Step 3: Go The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt\bin\x64 and copy my Reshade file.

Step 4: Go Documents\Witcher 3 and copy & overwrite my user.settings file.


V4.0 Version
-Fix all game crash and freezing game(on request)
-Fix Shadow rendering glith
-changed: FileQueueSizeGame,FileQueueSizeLoading,MaxRequests(bigger faster loading)

-Added my config.ini file
-Added Streaming/Textures: Usemiprefiner(improving game texture definition)
-Texture,Shadow,and environment Changes

V3.0 Version
-Very Easy installation
-Added Highly texture quality
-New DNA Extreme Hairworks settings
-Added Texturemipbias
-Added DNA Extreme options to graphics settings
-Added Default rendering folder to DNA Extrem graphics folder

V2.0 Version
-Added new graphics card the performance xml(GTX 980 Ti,GTX 970,GTX 960,GTX 950 and GTX 1080)
-Fix fps drop in cities and woods
-Less fps hit (2-3fps) DNA Extreme and light version
-Added more crispy texture
- Added Ubersampling and little Blur for Cutscene
-Little more MSAA settings and Sharpening(The Reshade Preset)
-Added more Depth Visibility
-Added More Grass Density and Grassringsize
-Added more Shadow depth Visibility

STLM (Super Turbo Lighting mod) is highly recommended:

Recommended Post Processing settings:

Ver 2.0 Extreme/Light Version
Gamma: Default or 1.4(depends on your personal preference)
Anti-aliasing: On(SMAA work good with in game AA)
Sharpening: Off/Low - (depends on your personal preference)
Motion Blur: On - (depends on your personal preference)
Blur: On - (depends on your personal preference)

doesn't work the Reshade Preset? just simply rename dxgi.dll to d3d11.dll (thanks the information KAbacZEK :)

                                                                    Thanks for the amazing video, Hodilton!!! :D

                                                           Hodilton youtube channel:



Recommended mods:

-The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project:
-Geralt Realistic Sweat:
-High Quality Faces:
-Disable SoftLock Targeting:
-Beatable Guards:
-Absolute Camera:
-Common Eyes:

-Atmospheric Nights: