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°Common Eyes°
These are higher resolution textures for the common eye colors used throughout the game. New textures for some secondary characters where also thrown in. (Avallac'h etc )
Does not affect the witcher eye texture, Ciri's or Yennefer's.
I haven't been able to find the time to make comparison pics for all 16-ish textures. (It's a soul-sucking entreprise) Hopefully the few that I've been able to scrounge up can give you an accurate representation of the mod. I'll continue adding some as I make my way through the game. (In case it isn't clear from the screenshots, left side is vanilla, right side is modded.)
2016-06-18\ 1.1 update! Some tweaks + new textures for the eyes introduced by Hearts of Stone (1) and Blood and Wine (8).
°To Install°
Use the NMM or extract the contents of the archive into your mods directory.