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the siren contract is now spawning the right monster instead of the "botching"
killing the Hym will now give the proper reward
fixed a bug where notices stayed in the board after taking them or after midnight
challenges books are properly cleared now.
Version V2.2
updated for version 1.22 of the game
Version V2.1
updated for version 1.21 of the game
Version V2.0
You will hunt a specific spawned monster now, instead of any monster of the requested type.
- The monster will be randomly spawned in a radius from a center position selected randomly as well.
- The Hunt area will be indicated by a map pin.
- Added 13 new monsters to hunt.
- Added a dialogue scene that will serve as a small tutorial in game (thanks rmemr for the encoder) and will enable you to accept or refuse the challenge.
Version V1.1
Added daily hunt challenges to Velen and novigrad noticebaords
Each day a new notice will be randomly posted on one of Toussaint's Skellige's ,velen and novigrad's noticeboards, in it you will find the target of your hunt. It's simple, if you accept the challenge you will have to place a bet, find and kill your target before midnight and your money will be doubled. Fail and you will lose it. The general location will be marked on your map.
Version 2.4.03
- Game version 4.03 "next gen update" is now supported
Version 2.3.1 - Game version 4.0 "next gen update" is now supported
Version 2.3
- Game version 1.31 GOG GOTY is now supported - You will be able to find hunt notices in Toussaint
Version 2.0 (please remove the previous mod files before updating)
- You will hunt a specific spawned monster now, instead of any monster of the requested type. - The monster will be randomly spawned in a radius from a center position selected randomly as well. - The Hunt area will be indicated by a map pin. - Added 13 new monsters to hunt. - Added a dialogue scene that will serve as a small tutorial in game (thanks rmemr for the encoder) and will enable you to accept or refuse the challenge.(this is now included as an optional download )
How To install:
Unzip the Downloaded file in your MAIN game directory.
How to uninstall
- remove "modMonsterHuntChallenge" folder from "...theWitcher3/MODS" folder. - remove "DlcMonsterHuntChallenge" folder from your "...theWitcher3/DLC" folder.
Notes :
- if you find any bug or if you have a suggestion leave a comment.
Thanks to : - rmemr for both the w3strings and dialogue encoder. - Sarcen for his mod editor. - erxv,skacikpl,KNGRSM for tutorials, help and support. - Thrakon for testing and feedback.