The Witcher 3
VGX Eredin Progress Update

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  1. AKBLT
    • supporter
    • 36 kudos
    Hello. Looks really amazing and I'm just curious no special behind my question so question is: whats the differences of Crasher's VGX Eredin Appearance and your Eredin mod? 
    1. AisforAdam
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      Thanks man. I’m utilizing a different process and more complicated techniques to achieve maximum accuracy. Crasher’s mod is primarily a vanilla Eredin and Nithral mashup, whereas I’m modeling all components from scratch. This allows me to get higher levels of detail transferred into the normal map texture, which will improve how Eredin appears in cutscenes. Crasher took the vanilla Eredin helmet, tweaked some parts of it, and modeled the faceplate, added a low polygon crown, then took Nithral’s armor and tweaked some proportions and upscaled the textures. Crasher’s faceplate’s details mostly do not derive from actual geometry, rather they are painted on to a low polygon mesh. This process can work sometimes, but will never create the same result as having a high polygon mesh and transferring details to a lower polygon one. My model should end up being higher quality than VGX itself, while still looking very similar and accurate. My model will have completely custom textures. I’m also making a new face mesh for Eredin, making him look more elvish and cunning, while still being sinister as the game portrays him. I think because we never see his face in the trailers, that allows for some creative liberties. My model will also have better proportions, so not entirely VGX. The hands on most of the characters in this game are just too big. But I’ll probably do a version with normal vanilla proportions. The gauntlets will be slightly redesigned to match the technical design of ArmorySmith YouTube Channel’s Eredin plate gauntlets. He has a good understanding of how real armor is made and functions, so I will reference his creations. The gauntlets Eredin wears in VGX and Vanilla release would hurt his hand a lot if it was struck with a sword or crushed. I also am going to include a no crown variant, as well as alternative concept belt and leg armor. Perhaps different texture variations as well, depending on which VGX image you want Eredin to look like. Check my other images on my page to see the differences between my helmet and Crasher’s. Totally different when you get close up. I know this screenshot here makes detail hard to see.
  2. linas001
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    1. AisforAdam
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      Thank you my friend.