The Mandalorian Witcher

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Star wars is a furistic fantasy. 

But ever wondered what a badass medieval Mandalorian Hunter would look like??!!

I've always thought of the Witchers as being more analogous to Mandalorians than Jedi when looking at Star Wars.

  • A warrior culture, with recruits trained from young age to become skilled, feared warriors.
  • Taking young children to become Witchers, similar to foundlings.
  • Much like the Mandalorians, the Witchers have a distrust of magic (the Force) and those who use it.
  • Sorcerers are essentially Jedi and Sith.
  • Adapting their combat style with planning and preparation to defeat physically superior foes.
  • Witcher Schools are almost destroyed, with many keeps ransacked by sorcerers.(Like planet Mandalore atm), with members surviving in small groups
  • Initially, the Witchers were created with an almost knightly set of virtues, similar to the Mandalorian code of honor:
" Improve yourself thorugh knowledge and training. A witcher serves neither man nor king and always has a choice to follow commands. Act with honor. When a witcher has said that he shall perform an action, it is as good as done. With power comes responsibility, and to use that power to help others."

This is sort of similar to Jaster Mareel's True Mandalorian Codex, which he instilled in a young Jango Fett.

If people are interested, I will look into making this a full fledged mod.

This mod will overhaul the appearance of Vesemir, Lambert, Eskel & Letho.

A set of Mandalorian Armor for Geralt will be provided as a DLC. 

Due to my use of several custom assets, and also assets from other authors here on Nexus Mods, I am currently acquiring permission from all original mod authors before I publish.

I want to thank so many authors here on Nexus Mods, eg. Jatodude, AirshipCircus,  X20T3rMiN4t0R, CAPAa and CemKey  to name but a few! Thanks so much all of you


  1. twpr91
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Bro where tf is this? we need it!
  2. Airboy262
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    now would be the perfect time to release now that the next gen update is out! hopefully you still plan to release this mod! looking forward to it!
  3. clifzhenin
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    so cool .can I have this ?