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Auto-save auto-delete (keep latest 5), dark items, cheats (optional) and more
The Definitive The Witcher 2 Gamepad
An improved gamepad that utilizes all the features of a keyboard. Simpler Dice Poker mechanics. Both Playstation and XBOX/Generic controllers.
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The Definitive The Witcher 2 Gamepad
An improved gamepad that utilizes all the features of a keyboard. Simpler Dice Poker mechanics. Both Playstation and XBOX/Generic controllers.
This mod will unlock the 'POKER' achievement in the next match regardless of outcome.
Reshade preset for The Witcher 2 and bring for more proxy for new generation of games. it is just use best shaders availables for give best enchanted graphics for you !!.
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Reshade preset for The Witcher 2 and bring for more proxy for new generation of games. it is just use best shaders availables for give best enchanted graphics for you !!.
Texture mod for Geralt via requestIncludes optional 2k and normal mapping for both original and for the no scar version
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Texture mod for Geralt via requestIncludes optional 2k and normal mapping for both original and for the no scar version
Geralt of Rivia Witcher 3 with beard
This mod adds a beard texture to the import of Geralt's face from the Witcher 3The new version includes normal mapping and an ai enhanced 2k texture plus some edits.Highly recommend latest version! any suggestions or edits let me know!Any request? drop a comment!
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Geralt of Rivia Witcher 3 with beard
This mod adds a beard texture to the import of Geralt's face from the Witcher 3The new version includes normal mapping and an ai enhanced 2k texture plus some edits.Highly recommend latest version! any suggestions or edits let me know!Any request? drop a comment!
Very basic ReShade preset to make the game more vibrant and slightly less blurry around objects.
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Very basic ReShade preset to make the game more vibrant and slightly less blurry around objects.
Enhanced Mod Compilation Without Auto Loot
Reupload of QuietusPlus's Enhanced Mod Compilation (Minimal version) without the auto loot. (optional version without highlight lootable objects)So you can enjoy all the mod but still be able to control what you loot. (since he doesn't work on this mod anymore) Original mod link :
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Enhanced Mod Compilation Without Auto Loot
Reupload of QuietusPlus's Enhanced Mod Compilation (Minimal version) without the auto loot. (optional version without highlight lootable objects)So you can enjoy all the mod but still be able to control what you loot. (since he doesn't work on this mod anymore) Original mod link :
This mod makes Geralt's hair flowing from the beginning of the game
It solves the problem of the Eye of Arachas, which sometimes cannot be retrieved by the creature because the cutscene starts and perhaps Cedric is already dead. And thus makes it available for purchase from Anezka.
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It solves the problem of the Eye of Arachas, which sometimes cannot be retrieved by the creature because the cutscene starts and perhaps Cedric is already dead. And thus makes it available for purchase from Anezka.
A Reshade Preset for The Witcher 2, focused on toning down the bright, saturated and contrast-heavy look of the base game to something sharper, grittier and slightly more realistic.
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A Reshade Preset for The Witcher 2, focused on toning down the bright, saturated and contrast-heavy look of the base game to something sharper, grittier and slightly more realistic.
New main menu videos
New startup intros
Project Mersey X 3 Talent Points Per Level X Dark Items X Dice Cheat
Just a simple merge between the great Project Mersey Fix Pack, and mods like Dark Items on all difficulties without the dark effect, dice cheat, 3 talent points per level up, etc. This way you get the best of both worlds.
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Project Mersey X 3 Talent Points Per Level X Dark Items X Dice Cheat
Just a simple merge between the great Project Mersey Fix Pack, and mods like Dark Items on all difficulties without the dark effect, dice cheat, 3 talent points per level up, etc. This way you get the best of both worlds.
Project Mersey - The Witcher 2 Fix Pack - Chinese localization
Project Mersey - The Witcher 2 Fix Pack - 简繁中文补丁
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Project Mersey - The Witcher 2 Fix Pack - Chinese localization
Project Mersey - The Witcher 2 Fix Pack - 简繁中文补丁
The Witcher 2 Enhanced Characters Collection
A collection of retextures and tweaks to enhance the visuals and 'lore friendliness' of all the characters in The Witcher 2.
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The Witcher 2 Enhanced Characters Collection
A collection of retextures and tweaks to enhance the visuals and 'lore friendliness' of all the characters in The Witcher 2.
Merged Project Mersey with GUI Tweaks and Zoom In-Out Camera
Merged Project Mersey "base_scripts.dzip" file with GUI Tweaks and Zoom In-Out Camera
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Merged Project Mersey with GUI Tweaks and Zoom In-Out Camera
Merged Project Mersey "base_scripts.dzip" file with GUI Tweaks and Zoom In-Out Camera
Dynamically adds armor to Zoltan Chivay, Yarpen Zigrin, and Sheldon Skaggs during the Battle of Vergen. Optional file to change thier normal appearances.
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Dynamically adds armor to Zoltan Chivay, Yarpen Zigrin, and Sheldon Skaggs during the Battle of Vergen. Optional file to change thier normal appearances.
Most items will be available for purchase in stores
Most items will be available for purchase in stores,includes Roche's path in Chapter 2
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Most items will be available for purchase in stores
Most items will be available for purchase in stores,includes Roche's path in Chapter 2
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If Flawless Widescreen doesn't works for you, and you want to play The Witcher 2 in 5120 x 1440 resolution, this mod is for you....
the greatest mod? play with witcher 3 keyboard controls!!!...
i created the reshade but i hope in the future i will be create something better and i create more mods and reshade and this kind of stuff :)...
Extra talent and mutagen slots
new mutagen slot and trophy...
- and
You may want to look at them...