Latest Mods
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This mod changes some GUI things for a better user experience
To not miss what's important.
Geralt, I need some space. Literally.
Combat AutoLoot
Show Loot Window with Controller
No more autoloot with the controller
Outdated or unsuccessful game design decisions have been altered. The mod includes small changes for a more immersive game experience.
- 1.2MB
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Outdated or unsuccessful game design decisions have been altered. The mod includes small changes for a more immersive game experience.
The Witcher 2 - Assassins of Kings - Russian Localization Fixes
Исправления для русской локализации Ведьмак 2: Убийцы королей. Мод призван устранить опечатки, неточности. Исправить интервалы, форматирование и другие проблемы, связанные с текстом в игре.
- 6.8MB
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The Witcher 2 - Assassins of Kings - Russian Localization Fixes
Исправления для русской локализации Ведьмак 2: Убийцы королей. Мод призван устранить опечатки, неточности. Исправить интервалы, форматирование и другие проблемы, связанные с текстом в игре.
The Witcher Revision - English Translation
English Translation for The Witcher Revision.
The Witcher Revision - Russian Translation
Russian Translation for The Witcher Revision.Русский перевод для мода The Witcher Revision.
- 116KB
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The Witcher Revision - Russian Translation
Russian Translation for The Witcher Revision.Русский перевод для мода The Witcher Revision.
Reshade preset for The Witcher 2 and bring for more proxy for new generation of games. it is just use best shaders availables for give best enchanted graphics for you !!.
- 186KB
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Reshade preset for The Witcher 2 and bring for more proxy for new generation of games. it is just use best shaders availables for give best enchanted graphics for you !!.
Realistic appearance Reshade with a cinematic flair.
Geralt in his 30s Witcher 2 Edition
Yess, Geralt's in his 30s now!!! OMG.. he is even hotter in Witcher 2 Edition!
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Geralt in his 30s Witcher 2 Edition
Yess, Geralt's in his 30s now!!! OMG.. he is even hotter in Witcher 2 Edition!
This mod does not do anything else than raise the level cap from 35, a crippling limit that does not let you max a single skill tree, to 255 (yea I'm old), thought the vanilla experience should get you depending on your choices no higher than to 40 anyway as on high levels you don't seem to be getting any more experience for killing most enemies.
- 1.1MB
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This mod does not do anything else than raise the level cap from 35, a crippling limit that does not let you max a single skill tree, to 255 (yea I'm old), thought the vanilla experience should get you depending on your choices no higher than to 40 anyway as on high levels you don't seem to be getting any more experience for killing most enemies.
Unlimited Weight Mod for The Witcher 2
Yet Another Mod Compilation-maxlvl55-2taletsperlvl
The mods didn't want to work together, and I really wanted to have them during my game. I changed the settings in the mod.
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Yet Another Mod Compilation-maxlvl55-2taletsperlvl
The mods didn't want to work together, and I really wanted to have them during my game. I changed the settings in the mod.
Witcher 1 Act I remade on Witcher 2 engine. Currently only in PL but 2 translation mods are available in the translation dropdown in the description.
- 342.1MB
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Witcher 1 Act I remade on Witcher 2 engine. Currently only in PL but 2 translation mods are available in the translation dropdown in the description.
Full Combat Rebalance 2 v1.2 Zip Reupload
A re-upload of the re-upload by silversteelwolf of the FCR2 mod created by the inimitable Andrzej "Flash" Kwiatkowski in response to the installer not running on Windows 11.
- 857.0MB
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Full Combat Rebalance 2 v1.2 Zip Reupload
A re-upload of the re-upload by silversteelwolf of the FCR2 mod created by the inimitable Andrzej "Flash" Kwiatkowski in response to the installer not running on Windows 11.
The North Natural ReShade Preset enhances your game with more natural and real life colors. It tweaks things like lighting, colors, contrast & anti-alialising.
- 1KB
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The North Natural ReShade Preset enhances your game with more natural and real life colors. It tweaks things like lighting, colors, contrast & anti-alialising.
EMC-Full plus 2 Talents Per Level plus Fix Dice Poker and Arm Wrestling- Always win
I noticed that there were a few mods combining extra levels and fix dice poker and arm wrestling with Enhanced Mod Compilation but none of them seemed to align with my wishes and work with my modpack. So I did some code magic and combined these.
- 4.0MB
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EMC-Full plus 2 Talents Per Level plus Fix Dice Poker and Arm Wrestling- Always win
I noticed that there were a few mods combining extra levels and fix dice poker and arm wrestling with Enhanced Mod Compilation but none of them seemed to align with my wishes and work with my modpack. So I did some code magic and combined these.
Inventory icons and journal upscaled
Inventory icons and journal upscaledThe original images are quite limited in detail, so the upscaled images are not perfect. However, I can promise that every image has been improved.
- 99.1MB
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Inventory icons and journal upscaled
Inventory icons and journal upscaledThe original images are quite limited in detail, so the upscaled images are not perfect. However, I can promise that every image has been improved.