Visuals and Graphics
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Extreme Quality Flora v1 - BROKEN READ POSTS -
WARNING! BROKEN! WILL RUIN YOUR SAVE DATA AND BREAK DAMAGE VALUES! SEE POSTS/COMMENTS FOR UPDATE!What it does:Dramatically increases grass rendering distanceDistant tree moss renderedFull detail bushes/shrubs over entire fieldsMaximum quality trees at any distanceWind reactive flora as far as you can see
- 17.6MB
- 5.2k
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Extreme Quality Flora v1 - BROKEN READ POSTS -
WARNING! BROKEN! WILL RUIN YOUR SAVE DATA AND BREAK DAMAGE VALUES! SEE POSTS/COMMENTS FOR UPDATE!What it does:Dramatically increases grass rendering distanceDistant tree moss renderedFull detail bushes/shrubs over entire fieldsMaximum quality trees at any distanceWind reactive flora as far as you can see
"What? ENB for The Witcher 2? Blasphemy! The game already looks amazing!" Well, I'd disagree. Each to their own. Requiem ENB has it's own tweaked home-made Bloom effects, better AA, and a much more natural color pallete/scheme for better visuals.
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"What? ENB for The Witcher 2? Blasphemy! The game already looks amazing!" Well, I'd disagree. Each to their own. Requiem ENB has it's own tweaked home-made Bloom effects, better AA, and a much more natural color pallete/scheme for better visuals.
Extreme Vegetation Rendering Distance
Mod for increasing the rendering distance of vegetation (grass, trees, bushes, etc.). Based on Extreme Quality Flora v1 by EatChildren mod (
- 10.5MB
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Extreme Vegetation Rendering Distance
Mod for increasing the rendering distance of vegetation (grass, trees, bushes, etc.). Based on Extreme Quality Flora v1 by EatChildren mod (
Beautiful Witcher ENB and SweetFX
Beautiful Witcher ENB and SweetFX, A mixmash of ENB stuffs, topped off with SweetFX
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Beautiful Witcher ENB and SweetFX
Beautiful Witcher ENB and SweetFX, A mixmash of ENB stuffs, topped off with SweetFX
Infinite Grass Render Distance v1
Low grade version of the Extreme Quality Flora mod, focusing only on grass.
- 8.6MB
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Infinite Grass Render Distance v1
Low grade version of the Extreme Quality Flora mod, focusing only on grass.
First I thank the people of this site for their great mods. If you are one who has played the Witcher 2 and thought hmmm, I would reaaaally like to play with UberSampling on and everything on ultra. Well this solution is for you.
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First I thank the people of this site for their great mods. If you are one who has played the Witcher 2 and thought hmmm, I would reaaaally like to play with UberSampling on and everything on ultra. Well this solution is for you.
EnVision ENB
Reforged ENB for The Witcher 2
A modest graphics upgrade for The Witcher 2.
Enhanced Witcher Graphics Tweaks - Reshade and Sweetfx Tweaks - UBERSAMPLING-LIKE AA AND MORE
Uses the latest SweetFX 2.0 Preview 8 by, injected with ReShade 1.1.0, to achieve (with low performance cost) an UBER SAMPLING-like effect and other tweaks. FXAA - SMAA - COLOR CORRECTION - SHARPENING and more!
- 801KB
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Enhanced Witcher Graphics Tweaks - Reshade and Sweetfx Tweaks - UBERSAMPLING-LIKE AA AND MORE
Uses the latest SweetFX 2.0 Preview 8 by, injected with ReShade 1.1.0, to achieve (with low performance cost) an UBER SAMPLING-like effect and other tweaks. FXAA - SMAA - COLOR CORRECTION - SHARPENING and more!
Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night.
Nvidia HBAO High Quality Ambient Occlusion
It is a file ready for import for Nvidia Profile Inspector - Version, which enforces ambient occlusion.
- 286KB
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Nvidia HBAO High Quality Ambient Occlusion
It is a file ready for import for Nvidia Profile Inspector - Version, which enforces ambient occlusion.
A Memoir of Swords and Roses - The Definitive Witcher 2 Experience (Mod List and Guide)
The most comprehensive and complete guide to successfully modding The Witcher 2 into the modern day. Excellent for both newcomers and veterans alike.
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A Memoir of Swords and Roses - The Definitive Witcher 2 Experience (Mod List and Guide)
The most comprehensive and complete guide to successfully modding The Witcher 2 into the modern day. Excellent for both newcomers and veterans alike.
ENB graphic mod for The Witcher 2.
Xenon Vision Graphics Enhancer
Thought the game needed some serious AA and spiced it up with some luma sharpening, the contrast, dither and vibrance are addons, but, I think the game looks way better with them enabled. EDIT: current version: v1.3 Visible texture sharpening with Luma sharpen tweaks v1.2 BETA Added HDR and some tweaking
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Xenon Vision Graphics Enhancer
Thought the game needed some serious AA and spiced it up with some luma sharpening, the contrast, dither and vibrance are addons, but, I think the game looks way better with them enabled. EDIT: current version: v1.3 Visible texture sharpening with Luma sharpen tweaks v1.2 BETA Added HDR and some tweaking
A ReShade Preset that adds color correction & improves lighting. If you like my Preset, please Endorse it. Thank you!
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A ReShade Preset that adds color correction & improves lighting. If you like my Preset, please Endorse it. Thank you!
Remove Visual Effects 4 Dark Mode Mod
Removes the blurring visual effects at the edges of the screen and the grumbling sound when you enter Dark Modetwo versions available - no blurring no grumbling keep darkscreen - and - no blurring no grumbling no darkscreen -
- 1.1MB
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Remove Visual Effects 4 Dark Mode Mod
Removes the blurring visual effects at the edges of the screen and the grumbling sound when you enter Dark Modetwo versions available - no blurring no grumbling keep darkscreen - and - no blurring no grumbling no darkscreen -
SweetFX configuration for a warmer looking Witcher 2.
Performance friendly.
Hi from Malaysia! I'd like to share a simple reshade preset. Stay Safe guys!!
Realistic Visual The Witcher 2
Realistic reshade makes the game graphics more realistic