The Witcher

Database Reset

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Hi folks,

Due to a security flaw found in the code today someone has managed to exploit a hole in the system and subsequently remove all download information for all files on the database. As a result I have had to restore the system to the last database backup, which was on the 26th of November (6 days ago).

I apologise for the inconvenience but all database related information, including download stats and any new downloads added to the database since this date will no longer be present.

The restore is now complete and you can reupload/edit your files as necessary again.

This has only affected those people who have uploaded or edited their files in the past week.


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  1. mpuonti
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    Evil hackers.

    Could you please add somekind notification message system that sends email or PM for users when you need to reset database? It was pure luck that I found new bug from my program and uploaded new version to TES. Without that bug, old version would have been here ... I don't know how long.

    Actually, this kind flaw is very serious. Are you sure that hackers weren't able to inject malware code to utility programs and other modifications that have installers? I guess that was their ultimate goal - find a way to inject malware code to downloads. This is actually something that you should report for police.

    Anyway, I want to thank your and TES's work. You are doing great job!
  2. Tessera
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It's definitely a problem. My own website has been attacked in the past (distributed denial of service attack, or something to that effect). I've also had a couple of incidents where malicious jerks tried to spam the site with some sort of bot, in an effort to slow down access to it for everyone else.

    Fortunately, every time some little wirehead tries to pull something like that, we figure out a way to circumvent any similar attacks in the future. I'm sure you will, too... and I can completely comisserate on this one.
  3. Azrune
    • BANNED
    • 3 kudos
    Stupid hackers, don't they have anything better to do than mess with people on the internet, why don't those hackers get out of their moms basement once in a while. ><img class=">
  4. Dimitri Mazieres
    Dimitri Mazieres
    • premium
    • 63 kudos
    I've reuploaded my Hashshashin Armor mod, but I can't upload any pictures because I get an error message saying that they already exist, although they aren't anywhere to be found.

    How can I fix this?
  5. Switch
    • premium
    • 43 kudos
    Ouch! Sorry to hear that Dark0ne. :/ Hope you were able to patch up that security hole all right.
  6. Jollepoker
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Nooeess!! Bad news... :/