The Witcher

Fake Mods Being Uploaded

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Hi folks,

It has come to my attention over this past weekend that someone has been creating fake accounts at TESSource with names that are similar to current mod author's. This person has then been uploading semi-malicious mods to the database with names very similar to current mods; trying to pass it off as a legitimate modification.

I believe one mod titled "No Psychic Guards" randomly spawns an Arena spectator to your location who is invincible. The description on the official forums was "he's just popping up randomly and clapping like he's suffering from palsy, and appears accompanied by a lightning sound effect.". Sounds relatively humorous, but apparently it's not for the people who have it. Obvious this has bad implications if it continues and gets more malicious.

People should be extra vigilant of mods they are downloading at the moment and should check their sources before downloading. Check the forum post to see if anyone has reported anything suspicious.

If there are any problems please remember to contact me as soon as possible instead of debating it on the Official Forums for a few days.



  1. spicoly_030
    • member
    • 1 kudos

    Could you do something so we know if it's a fake mod or not, because from the mods I've gotten I've had to reinstall Oblivion over 10 times, and right now it's about to make me quit the game ><img class=">


    You can't expect others to do everything for you. I'm sure the moderators are already doing their best.
    If you're having trouble with mods, don't use them. Or don't use too many. Be more selective.
    I've never had to re-install Oblivion.

    Dude... I was just asking you didn't have to make a big deal out of it.
  2. spicoly_030
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Could you do something so we know if it's a fake mod or not, because from the mods I've gotten I've had to reinstall Oblivion over 10 times, and right now it's about to make me quit the game ><img class=">

  3. Vaanic~One
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    I think half the reason why people get away with stupid malicious BS like fake mods and viruses is because we let them. Speaking collectively, of course, as in we=the general population, not necessarily you personally. <img class=">

    If people simply took the time to read, and let it register in their brains what their eyes are seeing - or not seeing - maybe this type of thing wouldn't be nearly as successful at affecting us in a negative way. Personally, if a modder won't take the time to put some notes or a coherent description in the D/L section along with their upload, and essentially tries to make me D/L the mod simply to view the readme and determine if I want it or not, then I don't bother to D/L it. It's either a lazy modder, or a scam, and both in my view are equally unappealing. Why invite trouble? In the case of viruses, hom many of those affected simply cancelled 100 warnings to update their protection in their haste to do something else? How many simply ignore the signs, then get ticked when something bad happens?

    ...You can't stop this type of thing from happening, but you can limit the times it happens to you just by being perceptive, and aware of the things that are there, right in front of you. You know, stick a finger out of your cave once in a while, test the air. :ph34r: I have D/L'd hundreds of files, and never once, when something bad did happen, did I blame anyone but myself. Conversely, I have experienced hundreds of scenarios where computer users, when quizzed about the dialog box they just cancelled, they say, What? I didn't click on anything... like they never even noticed that they did that once a day, every day for the last two weeks.

    [shrug] ...Just my $.02.

    A very good point, Miche.

    Could you do something so we know if it's a fake mod or not, because from the mods I've gotten I've had to reinstall Oblivion over 10 times, and right now it's about to make me quit the game


    So far, I've noticed several threads in the official forums based around this issue, and several are dedicated to listing the fake mods. Check it out.

    Dammit, someone has just invented a virus for Oblivion

    How about adding a Report this mod as fake/malicious button/link next to the Report a problem and PM the author links? That may help you a lot in locating the bad stuff

    I think the commenting section is sufficient enough.
  4. makhno
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Could you do something so we know if it's a fake mod or not, because from the mods I've gotten I've had to reinstall Oblivion over 10 times, and right now it's about to make me quit the game ><img class=">


    You can't expect others to do everything for you. I'm sure the moderators are already doing their best.
    If you're having trouble with mods, don't use them. Or don't use too many. Be more selective.
    I've never had to re-install Oblivion.
  5. Dungeonmasterdug
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The version i got worked, all it did was make the gaurds hearing ability more realistic. I think its gotta be the V2. I mean, i have the spectator dude, but i can tell him to stay or leave me, and uh... no thunder noises lol.

    So if your gonna dl it, check them both, see if its the same author. You can bug the scammer or have a moderator just delete him.

    Do us all good
  6. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,927 kudos
    If people simply took the time to read, and let it register in their brains what their eyes are seeing - or not seeing - maybe this type of thing wouldn't be nearly as successful at affecting us in a negative way. Personally, if a modder won't take the time to put some notes or a coherent description in the D/L section along with their upload, and essentially tries to make me D/L the mod simply to view the readme and determine if I want it or not, then I don't bother to D/L it. It's either a lazy modder, or a scam, and both in my view are equally unappealing. Why invite trouble? In the case of viruses, hom many of those affected simply cancelled 100 warnings to update their protection in their haste to do something else? How many simply ignore the signs, then get ticked when something bad happens?

    Yup. Thats all well and good, but this person was adding a thorough description of the mod he was mascarading. It definately did not look like a fake.
  7. draagonnoir
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i have download no psychic guards , and i have the spectator of the arene with his thunder, how cleared?
    And find the check no psychic guard ......
    Thank you the friends....
    Forgive my English....... <img class=">
  8. darklord80
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    <img class="> I downloaded the no psychic guards V2 and had this problem, i was wondering wat was going on,lol! Thanks for the update guys <img class=">
  9. Miche
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I think half the reason why people get away with stupid malicious BS like fake mods and viruses is because we let them. Speaking collectively, of course, as in we=the general population, not necessarily you personally. <img class=">

    If people simply took the time to read, and let it register in their brains what their eyes are seeing - or not seeing - maybe this type of thing wouldn't be nearly as successful at affecting us in a negative way. Personally, if a modder won't take the time to put some notes or a coherent description in the D/L section along with their upload, and essentially tries to make me D/L the mod simply to view the readme and determine if I want it or not, then I don't bother to D/L it. It's either a lazy modder, or a scam, and both in my view are equally unappealing. Why invite trouble? In the case of viruses, hom many of those affected simply cancelled 100 warnings to update their protection in their haste to do something else? How many simply ignore the signs, then get ticked when something bad happens?

    ...You can't stop this type of thing from happening, but you can limit the times it happens to you just by being perceptive, and aware of the things that are there, right in front of you. You know, stick a finger out of your cave once in a while, test the air. :ph34r: I have D/L'd hundreds of files, and never once, when something bad did happen, did I blame anyone but myself. Conversely, I have experienced hundreds of scenarios where computer users, when quizzed about the dialog box they just cancelled, they say, What? I didn't click on anything... like they never even noticed that they did that once a day, every day for the last two weeks.

    [shrug] ...Just my $.02.
  10. feygan
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Erm is this one called no psychic guards v2? i think thats the one, ti appeared a day or so ago, i had it happen in cloud temple and wondered what was going on??