- Refine results Found 4 results. 186 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Application that allows to simply merge many mods in patch.dat/fat file without difficult unpacking it manually.
- 2.6MB
- 3.4k
- --
Application that allows to simply merge many mods in patch.dat/fat file without difficult unpacking it manually.
With this small software you can run Watch Dogs in the way you want, with all required settings.
- 797KB
- 2.4k
- --
With this small software you can run Watch Dogs in the way you want, with all required settings.
Files to merge into the game data files to change the UI to better suit those who play with a PlayStation gamepad.
- 47KB
- 321
- --
Files to merge into the game data files to change the UI to better suit those who play with a PlayStation gamepad.
Backs up your save data every time you open Watch Dogs.(Beta WIP)