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Application that allows to simply merge many mods in patch.dat/fat file without difficult unpacking it manually.
- 2.6MB
- 3.4k
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Application that allows to simply merge many mods in patch.dat/fat file without difficult unpacking it manually.
EPIC Mod Pack (EMP) with OLD Classic Flavor
Welcome to EpicStreamMans Penultimately Irrelevant Collection aka EPIC Mod Pack (oh wait I should just called it EMP then lol). Yet another crazy fun Mod Merge (booo I know) but this has a lot of cool shiz from really awesome people @ Watch Dogs Modding Discord Server. Tried to keep it to a minimum of fun cool game add-ons and not go too crazy.
- 3.6MB
- 86
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EPIC Mod Pack (EMP) with OLD Classic Flavor
Welcome to EpicStreamMans Penultimately Irrelevant Collection aka EPIC Mod Pack (oh wait I should just called it EMP then lol). Yet another crazy fun Mod Merge (booo I know) but this has a lot of cool shiz from really awesome people @ Watch Dogs Modding Discord Server. Tried to keep it to a minimum of fun cool game add-ons and not go too crazy.