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With this small software you can run Watch Dogs in the way you want, with all required settings.
- 797KB
- 2.4k
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With this small software you can run Watch Dogs in the way you want, with all required settings.
This MOD just removes the intro sequence that is being played when you launch the game.
- 18.9MB
- 668
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This MOD just removes the intro sequence that is being played when you launch the game.
This mod aims to improve the graphics and take advantage of the modern PC hardware.
The mods are compatible with 1.4 and less will try to make it work on 1.5 once i find a mod for 1.5 vers Mod List : Cars And Characters, Visual Mod, Lens Flare, and No intro
- 155.1MB
- 299
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The mods are compatible with 1.4 and less will try to make it work on 1.5 once i find a mod for 1.5 vers Mod List : Cars And Characters, Visual Mod, Lens Flare, and No intro
EPIC Mod Pack (EMP) with OLD Classic Flavor
Welcome to EpicStreamMans Penultimately Irrelevant Collection aka EPIC Mod Pack (oh wait I should just called it EMP then lol). Yet another crazy fun Mod Merge (booo I know) but this has a lot of cool shiz from really awesome people @ Watch Dogs Modding Discord Server. Tried to keep it to a minimum of fun cool game add-ons and not go too crazy.
- 3.6MB
- 86
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EPIC Mod Pack (EMP) with OLD Classic Flavor
Welcome to EpicStreamMans Penultimately Irrelevant Collection aka EPIC Mod Pack (oh wait I should just called it EMP then lol). Yet another crazy fun Mod Merge (booo I know) but this has a lot of cool shiz from really awesome people @ Watch Dogs Modding Discord Server. Tried to keep it to a minimum of fun cool game add-ons and not go too crazy.
A reshade file which aims to add a darker ambience and purer color to watch dogs.
Tony's Cinematic Performance Preset
This is a reshade preset I created for Watchdogs. It's an old game but I decided it's time to pay it a visit again.This preset will give you an enhanced Cinematic look (similar to RTGI) without destroying your framerate.
- 8KB
- 14
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Tony's Cinematic Performance Preset
This is a reshade preset I created for Watchdogs. It's an old game but I decided it's time to pay it a visit again.This preset will give you an enhanced Cinematic look (similar to RTGI) without destroying your framerate.