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My personal collection of portraits for Wasteland 2 characters.
Custom Portrait Pack - Wanderers
Custom portrait images for use with custom characters in Wasteland 2.
- 4.4MB
- 1.5k
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Custom Portrait Pack - Wanderers
Custom portrait images for use with custom characters in Wasteland 2.
700 Portraits for Wasteland 2
Custom Portrait Pack - Miscellaneous
Custom portraits for use when making characters in Wasteland 2
- 4.3MB
- 423
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Custom Portrait Pack - Miscellaneous
Custom portraits for use when making characters in Wasteland 2
Military Rangers Portraits Collection
Some portraits downloaded from the net and repackaged as portraits for W2.
- 1.3MB
- 417
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Military Rangers Portraits Collection
Some portraits downloaded from the net and repackaged as portraits for W2.
more similar with in-game model. all drawn by myself.
Custom Portraits For Recruit-able NPCs
A pack of images for use when creating custom characters.
Wasteland 2 and 3 Custom Portraits Collection
Nearly 1,500 Portraits for Wasteland 2 and 3.Copy the pictures from the male and female folders directly into the portrait folder for Wasteland 3.
- 61.3MB
- 124
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Wasteland 2 and 3 Custom Portraits Collection
Nearly 1,500 Portraits for Wasteland 2 and 3.Copy the pictures from the male and female folders directly into the portrait folder for Wasteland 3.
Custom Portrait Pack - Bioware
A pack of images for use when creating custom characters in Wasteland 2.
- 2.0MB
- 120
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Custom Portrait Pack - Bioware
A pack of images for use when creating custom characters in Wasteland 2.
A collection of images for use when creating custom characters in Wasteland 2
Aesthetically Pleasing Portrait for Pizepi Joren
Replacement for Pizepi's horrible in-game portrait.
- 88KB
- 82
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Aesthetically Pleasing Portrait for Pizepi Joren
Replacement for Pizepi's horrible in-game portrait.
As I struggled to find some custom portraits for my characters that both looked cool *and* fit together stylistically, it occurred to me that the loading screen art sure had some snazzy looking Rangers in it. Even better, three of the characters shown plainly have outfits that are specifically creatable in the game itself.
- 8.8MB
- 76
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As I struggled to find some custom portraits for my characters that both looked cool *and* fit together stylistically, it occurred to me that the loading screen art sure had some snazzy looking Rangers in it. Even better, three of the characters shown plainly have outfits that are specifically creatable in the game itself.
Fallout Universe Portrait Pack
A selection of NPC portraits from all currently released Fallout games.
- 8.2MB
- 51
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Fallout Universe Portrait Pack
A selection of NPC portraits from all currently released Fallout games.
R6 Siege - portraits for Wasteland 3
uploaded in case someone needs it, or too lazy to do it yourself.
- 7.4MB
- 44
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R6 Siege - portraits for Wasteland 3
uploaded in case someone needs it, or too lazy to do it yourself.
Several, mostly familiar, faces to add for your enjoyment.
Garion's Portrait Pack - Wasteland 2
50 portraits for use, enjoy.
Clown Portraits For The Perk "Raised In The Circus"