About this mod
My personal collection of portraits for Wasteland 2 characters.
- Permissions and credits
> Arroyo Sector 2 available, archive updated !
I've been away a while but I actually work on new portraits !
Arroyo Sector in progress... (see the images)
My personal collection of portraits
I try not to use any 3d or photos, matter of taste...
And i replace white backgrounds with more immersive ones.
Hope you appreciate the work.
Thanks to all the great artists who have produced these images !
I got a face, but no name...
Interesting site with names generators (realistic or not) :
Fantasy Name Generators
- You have to create a new folder in \My Documents\My Games\Wasteland2\ and name it "Custom Portraits"
- Extract the png files you like in \My Documents\My Games\Wasteland2\Custom Portraits
- All the png files you copy in this folder are now added to vanilla game portraits and accessible in the Character Creation screen.
Replace your characters portraits
You can easily change your characters portraits with this nexus mod from RazinOrden :
Wasteland 2 save and char editor