War Thunder
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  • War Thunder
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  • Cursed Kennedy's - M22 Locust - RED Skins

    Cursed Kennedy's - M22 Locust - RED Skins

    Last Update: 13 Jun 2020
    Author: Cursed Kennedy
    Uploader: CursedKing404

    Cursed Kennedy's - M22 Locust - RED Skins (4 Skins !)ABOUT: Skins that i uploaded to NEXUS, I have more and I'm making more.Expect more details and variety in the future to come.Instructions: All you need to do in-order to use the skin in game; Simply pick the SKIN you want to use then "copy & paste" the "template_" FOLDER in

    • 7.1MB
    • 15
    • --

    Cursed Kennedy's - M22 Locust - RED Skins

    Last Update: 13 Jun 2020

    Cursed Kennedy's - M22 Locust - RED Skins (4 Skins !)ABOUT: Skins that i uploaded to NEXUS, I have more and I'm making more.Expect more details and variety in the future to come.Instructions: All you need to do in-order to use the skin in game; Simply pick the SKIN you want to use then "copy & paste" the "template_" FOLDER in