About this mod
Hardcore mod for Darktide with (optional) online mode. Loadouts track win streaks until a mission loss or bail, and Hardtide ranks loadouts competing in each class at each difficulty/auric level. Be or see one of the top 4 Auric Damnation players in your favorite class.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
1. Install the mod.
2. If you'd like to see other player's win counts, statuses and ranks, enable "Participate in Online Mode" in Mod Options > Hardtide to sync loadouts and missions with the hardtide.net server.
Why does this mod exist?
After playing Darktide for (too) many hours, I’ve found that the ultimate endgame for me is never losing and racking up a win streak. This mod visualizes your win streaks and ups the stakes for every mission. It also has an optional online mode that syncs with the hardtide.net server to share win streaks with other players, for two reasons: for bragging rights and to show others that you never back down from a challenge!
So how does it work?
The mod tracks wins at the end of each mission and keeps track of those wins for each individual loadout. These are shown on a shield under each loadout (in the inventory screen) and under your portrait in-game. The mod also tracks losses and "bails" (intentional alt-F4s or when you voluntarily leave missions). When one of those things happen, your loadout will "die," its shield will change (it will dim and show a skull icon) and wins for that loadout will no longer be counted (until you choose to Reset Loadout).
Wait…you can’t leave a mission?
Correct! If you bail on your teammates, it counts as a loss. If you’re playing an offline solo mission (with Solo Play by deluxghost), you can leave without penalty.
But what if I get disconnected from a mission?
The mod should not automatically count genuine disconnects and crashes as losses. If playing with online mode enabled, the hardtide.net server will attempt to rejoin the existing mission to preserve progress.
[NEW] What happens if I can't reconnect to a mission?
Months of Hardtide data has shown that legitimate incomplete missions (ones where the player disconnects and is unable to reconnect before the mission ends) are extremely rare, but still a possibility. Because of that possibility, I feel it's too punishing to wipe an entire win streak because of an incomplete mission. Instead, starting up a new mission after a loadout fails to finish a previous mission (with either a win or loss) will deduct 1 win from that loadout's streak, rather than ending the streak.
However, there is room for abuse here, so missions that are not finished are now tracked on a per-loadout basis. It is really easy to detect players who continually cheese the system to maintain their win streaks, and players who continue to abuse the system will see their win streaks wiped or their accounts banned.
But what if my teammates are trash?
Better get carrying! That’s Hardtide.
Does it matter which difficulty I play on?
Not at all! Play where you feel most comfortable.
So can I just run through Solo Play games?
Because anything goes in Solo Play, Hardtide completely ignores Solo Play missions (win or lose), but works great with the pseudo-solo of Many More Try!
Can I freely change the talents/weapons/cosmetics on my loadout?
Yup! And you won't lose your current win count. Each loadout has a unique ID in the Darktide backend that is only lost if you delete the loadout.
My loadout’s shield is dark or has a skull on it and my wins aren’t counting?
Your loadout suffered a loss or bailed from a mission, so it is "dead." Resurrect it by selecting the loadout and then using the “Reset Loadout” button in the bottom-right of the inventory screen.
How does the online mode work?
If you enable the “Participate in Online Mode” option in Mod Options > Hardtide, the mod will communicate with a simple server at hardtide.net to track loadouts and missions for yourself and other Hardtide players participating in online mode. You’ll be able to see Hardtide win counts/status in strike teams and social menus.
What happens if I play offline and later opt in to online mode?
Because online mode is the intended “full” Hardtide experience, your local loadout win counts will be overwritten by the counts on the server. That means if you won 1,000 missions offline, and then opted into online, those offline wins will be “lost” and your loadout’s win count will be reset to 0.
What data is sent to the server?
The mod sends participating players’ account, character and loadout IDs, as well as character name and loadout name (if LoadoutNames by ItsAlxl is installed). The character and loadout IDs are absolutely necessary for the mod to function. The account ID is stored for abuse detection/prevention, and the character/loadout names are stored in the hope of creating a Hardtide leaderboard in the future. Note: if there ever is a leaderboard, participation will 100% be opt-in, just like online mode.
Additionally, the mod sends character IDs of other players encountered by participating players (to detect other Hardtide players and sync with them) and mission IDs, names and session IDs for syncing and tracking mission progress.
Any plans for the future?
If there’s demand for it, I think a leaderboard could be fun. If I ever decide to implement that, participation will absolutely be opt-in, just like online mode.
I also plan to add the Hardtide shield to other menus (like inspect) and maybe next to character names in the Mourningstar.
I’m also open to any cool ideas others might have, so please feel free to share them in the “Posts” section!
A huge thanks to Aussiemon, ManShanko, raindish, Fracticality, grasmann, Grimalackt, Sir Aiedail, ItsAlxl, Wobin, Seventeen Ducks, deluxghost, Ancient, Zombine and so so many others who have spent their time and energy to make modding Darktide possible, support the modding community, and/or share their efforts for us all to enjoy! Thanks also to Lopus, Robin and the rest of Fatshark for making an incredible game, allowing mods and working with modders!
And special thanks to Fracticality, raindish, Michael and John!