How do install mods on vamp survivors

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I have had a dilema since i joined this game how do i mod it and after 200 hours i still havent a clue vortex cant do it there arent any tips online neither of the vs mod loder worked or adding a mods folder and droping the mod in there


  1. 1Cyanide101
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    thank you
  2. luvheart
    • member
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    I'm here as well, I got the mods installed it was just dragging and drooping files but I think you need the correct game version. (I have no idea what version it is)
  3. Matsaruma
    • member
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    please comment
    1. adalberniesdavila
      • supporter
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      damn 200 views and not one comment. what a community. idk either btw
    2. Sl33kAssassin
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I didn't even know you could mod this game. I am really interested in finding out how as well.