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Fixed an issue with fake requirement piece creation
Version 1.10
Bog Witch compatibility fix
Version 1.9
* Save plant rotation when using MassFarm by @Perdjesk
Version 1.8
Compatibility with Hildir's Request
Version 1.7
Fix for missing method error
Version 1.6
Add options for non-square grids
Version 1.5
Fix for missing method error
Version 1.4
Mistlands compatibility
Version 1.3
Hearth and Home compatibility fix
Version 1.2
Also collects nearby beehives
If there are insufficient seeds in inventory to plant, the ghost plants will now show red
Setting to ignore durability
Version 1.1
Allows arbitrary rotation of grid
Will skip plant spots if they are too close to other plants or placements to grow
Shows placement ghosts, including red placements when a plant is unlikely to be placable (such as missing cultivation, too close to other, low stamina)
Works with trees too (do you really need this many trees?)
When pressing the hotkey (default Left Shift or Left Bumper on controller) the player will automatically harvest all pickupable items of the same type in a radius around the target. This is mainly intended for assisting with farming, but also works on world spawn pickups like rocks/sticks/berries.
Additionally, when planting crops, if the hotkey is held will plant in a grid around the original target plant (5x5 default size).
Grid size and hotkeys are configurable via the F1 BepInEx menu, as well as a setting to ignore stamina when mass planting (useful for larger grid sizes).