Does this work with H&H? I notice that your clock mod has been updated, but this one has not. Maybe I'm the only one who likes to keep an eye on real life time passing while going a'viking...
I'm searching for someone who can make a simple interface mod to show current/total weight and current inventory free slots remaining ( and maybe a simple weight icon and a simple bag icon next to them )
i'm not exactly sure where to ask this so I ask here since you seem to know how to make such a mod and it would be a very useful mod for the community ! Thanks
edit : you are the absolute best !
You can use BepInEx.ConfigurationManager mod to have the ability to change setting of most mod in-game. With Clock mod, you could change anything include enable and disable the mod in-game, but except change the font thou.
yeah, I have BepInEx.ConfigurationManager. The point is: i wish to see whatever i change in the interface to have real time responses. Not have to type commands in console and find it still doesn't do anything for me. ex: the "upper center" botton doesn't make the clock move even after "realclockmod reset" command. changing values in clocklocationstring doesn't neither...
i changed the time to fuzzy, and the {0} to 1 for fuzzy ingame time, but it stays midnight no matter what time it is, or is it fuzzy time for real life time,
i wanted both this one and the other clock mod, so 1 shows in game time in HH:mm and one to show fuzzy time
(TMP_Input can't handle null eventData in curren package. Can be ignored atm though. Exception: Failure has occurred while loading a type.)
^ smth like this
1. a time format 12H AM/PM
2. each time moveable
3. customizable size and font
For AM/PM use the config file:
ClockFormat = HH:mm
I think hh is 12hour time, HH is 24
Drag to move the clocks, or change the position in the config file.
Size and font are in the config files:
ClockFontSize = 24
ClockFontName = AveriaSerifLibre-Bold
There should be a Donate button on my profile page:
Would be possible to have this feature?
hh:mm does not provide the AM/PM marker. Sure it's gives you the 12 hour value, but it does not display AM/PM.
I've tried encapsulating that line with quotes, but that does not work either, it automatically goes through and replaces them.
"hh:mm MMM d" will give you something like this on your screen: 8:07 MMM d
MINOR since I *should* know whether or not it's AM or PM by not being braindead. Just felt worth mentioning.
Thank you!
( and maybe a simple weight icon and a simple bag icon next to them )
i'm not exactly sure where to ask this so I ask here since you seem to know how to make such a mod and it would be a very useful mod for the community !
edit : you are the absolute best !
ex: the "upper center" botton doesn't make the clock move even after "realclockmod reset" command.
changing values in clocklocationstring doesn't neither...
thx for the helps tho :)
i wanted both this one and the other clock mod, so 1 shows in game time in HH:mm and one to show fuzzy time
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