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OdinPlus Team - Elg

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About this mod

Instant portal and dungeon teleports, fast distant teleports.

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Quick Teleport
This minimal mod allows for instant portal and dungeon teleportation, and reduces the teleport time for distant teleports.

Tired of waiting for slow teleportation times? This mod reduces the teleport time from 8 seconds to 0 seconds for close portals or already loaded areas, and works instantly for dungeons.

Note: The teleport is instant on close/already loaded areas, but it will also reduce the teleport time for distant/unloaded areas.

How it works?
This mod deactivates the teleport time delay by directly changing the IL code at runtime, making minimal changes to avoid infinite loops or bugs. It doesn't mess with any other feature.

Portal Teleport (Instant)

Dungeon Teleport (Instant)

Distant Teleport (less than half of the game default time)

Installation Notes
1. Just install the mod using your Mod Manager
2. Optional: For additional configuration (using F1 in game) install BepInEx Configuration Manager

Manual Installation (Without Mod Manager)
1. Install *BepinEx* per the instructions at: https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/denikson/BepInExPack_Valheim/
2. Place ***QuickTeleport.dll*** into your **Bepinex\plugins** folder in Valheim.

No configuration is needed as the mod will work as soon as installed.

Additional Configuration
Few additional configurations were added for those who want to try even faster teleports (these may look like your character is flying because the teleport can happen before buildings or even the area loads)

While using the BepInEx Configuration Manager and pressing F1 in game:

1 - General
  • Enable Mod: Default config. With just this one enabled, the teleports will be faster than vanilla. (Default set to true)

2 - Loading
  • Skip loading objects: When enabled, ignores waiting for loading objects, but waits for the area and terrain to load. Warning: Can make you teleport to lower floors on buildings. (Default set to false)

  • Skip loading area: Instant teleport. Skips all loadings. Warning: When enabled, ignores all loadings on teleport, but might have your character flying for a while until everything loads. (Default set to false)

Mod Compatibility
This mod is expected to be widely compatible with other mods, as it makes minimal code changes. It is a client-side installation and should work on any server.

For Questions or Comments find Elg in the Odin Plus Team on Discord

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