1. willybach
    • premium
    • 325 kudos
  2. willybach
    • premium
    • 325 kudos



    All new textures from the new update now included:
    Bogwitch and her hut
    All displays inside and items
    New clothing
    New scyth
    All new feasts
    All rugs re-worked and improved
    Reworked Jute drapes
    Made birch trees have whiter trunks
    Reworked emission on Yggdrasil tree
  3. Vareli
    • premium
    • 4 kudos

    To install textures:
    Go to you steam install location for Valheim (usually \Steam\steamapps\common\Valheim)

    Open valheim_Data folder

    Open StreamingAssets

    Open SoftReferenceableAssets

    Open Bundles

    Copy all files from the texture zip into this folder. Overwrite if asked.

    NOTE: This is for the Texture pack Only.

    This does not include the HDTerrain mod or HD Portals...those are mods that must be installed into Bepinex/Plugins folder. Should look like below.

    If you use a mod manager to install, ensure these files look like this in your Bepinex mod folder.

    Post processing mod also goes in bepinex/plugins folder and config file goes in bepinex/config folder.
  4. rellogb
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i downloaded everything right (including hdterrain + hd sky aurora) and it worked as i loaded a new world but when i try to exit and join back world it stays loading forever. any help??
    1. willybach
      • premium
      • 325 kudos
      I've not seen that before, do you have any other mods installed? 
    2. rellogb
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      only southsil armor and the seasonality add ons

      *i figured it out it was the custom texture mod, i saw on youtube i needed that for willybachs  hd but it was incorrect or outdated thank you though!
    3. PaulKreisel
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You can use the custom textures mod for alt textures, but make sure you are using an updated version
  5. Goldarv
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a way you could add shaggy rugs? I love the texture but the only thing I miss from the old rug's is the carpet like texture from like the lox rugs. This is a build I had way back using lox hides as rugs https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1870681411691412714/50A56ADA0B20A487C3B25CE9AE114C32FB065A07/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false
  6. InFeaRnO
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I really tried to understand what I need to download to install this marvellous mod, but sadly instructions are outdated and file naming is not corresponding to it, so I ended up with downloading 1.2Gb archive for nothing.
    1. gyrofalcon
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      I really tried to understand what I need to download to install this marvellous mod, but sadly instructions are outdated and file naming is not corresponding to it, so I ended up with downloading 1.2Gb archive for nothing.
      The instructions looks fine to me. 
    2. willybach
      • premium
      • 325 kudos
      Yeah instructions aren't outdated. :/
    3. InFeaRnO
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Okay, I'll elaborate. First of all there is no three versions anymore as I see. (I'm looking at Main Files)
      Next one, instructions says "pick one and download" so I downloaded "HD Core Terrain Textures 4K" and looked inside. There is no "Willybach's HD - [version]" inside, and no bepinex and valheim_data folders inside of it.
      Anyway, I downloaded it. Let's try to work with yeah? Archive says "Choose one size". We see "Willybach's HD Terrain", okay go deeper, "Plugins", deeper, HDTerrainData, deeper, oh Terrain and TerrainLod. Looks like were finally get to choose something, but I don't know what to do with it, because I need to find bepinex and valheim_data folders. The End. So I've become lost on first step - I don't know what to download. I suspect that this file is from another step..
    4. badgerint
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      I'm not sure you read the instructions properly. Granted there are no medium and lower packs currently, they are coming.

      But you mention HD Core Terrain textures. The instructions don't mention that for installing the main texture files, they say to download the HD Core pack. Which if you did would find the correct folders for the actual texture mod.

      HD Terrain files just have the textures for the terrain portion of the mod. You don't specify if you have indeed downloaded that or not. And by that I mean the actual bepinex mod from my Nexus page.
    5. InFeaRnO
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Since multiple (you and other user) users said that instructions are not outdated - I take that back and say "I'm sorry for jumping in conclusions". I think I'm starting to figure out what was the problem here.
  7. Zurralaan
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Dudes I love your Mod the company totally needs to hire y'all to help make the game awesome.  Y'all kick but.
  8. vipdr
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Why no "medium" pack? Only higher?
    1. gyrofalcon
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      Why no "medium" pack? Only higher?
      To do this, it takes a huge amount of time for every update Irongate pushes out. For each version, so I'm happy the HD versions comes out first.
  9. baalderoth
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Still not working for me. Kraw  Kraw message. What could be wrong?
    1. shriekin85
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      1. Remove Bundles folder from youre valheim_Data\StreamingAssets\SoftReferenceableAssets folder.
      2. Let Steam recheck youre files (Bundles folder will be recreated
      3. Copy files out of you're download to the Bundles folder (as described).

    2. baalderoth
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It works now but at start getting few lines with such error code:
      [Error  : Unity Log] Graphics.CopyTexture called with mismatching data size (src (8x8 with format 3 -> 192 bytes) dst (8x8 with format 101 -> 64 bytes))
      I use R2Modman so i put HD terrain and HD skies to R2Modman /bepinex/plugins folder but textures bundles to main Valheim steam folder. Is that ok?
    3. badgerint
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Join the Discord server on the description page. Need to see the full log.
  10. m2x1m4s1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi Willy! I'm modding valheim for the first time right now and found some reddit posts recommending your mod for visual improvements (which looks really good in your screenshots btw).
    Unfortunately got some weird kraw kraw kraw message- did a little research, looks like an update broke the mod
    Super hyped for your next patch so I can start playing! I'm gonna do a new playthrough, I can't wait to get to mistlands because I bet it's gonna look super pretty. Thanks for making this mod
    1. gyrofalcon
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      Hi Willy! I'm modding valheim for the first time right now and found some reddit posts recommending your mod for visual improvements (which looks really good in your screenshots btw).
      Unfortunately got some weird kraw kraw kraw message- did a little research, looks like an update broke the mod 

      Super hyped for your next patch so I can start playing! I'm gonna do a new playthrough, I can't wait to get to mistlands because I bet it's gonna look super pretty. Thanks for making this mod 
      Rule #1 in modding (any game):
      -Read, read, read.

      Read the instructions, before download and installing.
      Read the pinned comments, before running the mod.
      Read the comment sections, the last time the mod was updated, why it was updated, the last comment from author, and the last few post about the same issue you are running into, before posting the same questions that was answered in the post just prior to yours.
    2. m2x1m4s1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I didn't ask any questions, though. Just trying to let him know I appreciate the work he's doing.
    3. gyrofalcon
      • premium
      • 29 kudos
      I didn't ask any questions, though. Just trying to let him know I appreciate the work he's doing.
      But you did write a post containing stuff that is widely known, had you read the comments.
    4. ArcticIke
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      To be fair, he also relayed the results of reading those other posts "did a little research, looks like an update broke the mod". I get it, you see a lot of people being unreasonable and such (unfortunate plague in the modding community of entitled gamers that don't understand mods are passion projects), but this seemed well intentioned. He was literally just thanking the author for making the mod and saying he was excited for the upcoming update. 
  11. mathad
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey I in no way am wanting to rush ya or anything just curious if it’s working for anyone yet. Thanks in advance 
  12. NORken88
    • member
    • 0 kudos

     -  Do anything work at this time ?? 
    All I want is HD or better ! + Seasonality . 
    But my screen freez and the Kraw Kraw Kraw message! 
    In game meny i see the HD is active and its snow. and no error in BepInEx. 
    But all is a mess!! iinfo is a mess , file names are a mess! :D nothing is good. 

    Step 1 - I want HD core pack Higher  ( its large file, must be good ) 

    Stept 1-1 - The pack need 
    Badgers HD Terrain  , Badgers Valheim Skies , BepInExPack

    I install them all. 

    Step 1 ( now try install ) HD core pack Higher
    -   its say unpack zip. then copy folder BepInEx.  Thats stupid !!  becouse the BepInEx in valheim directory is now full of 
    Badgers HD Terrain  , Badgers Valheim Skies 
    It also say copy folder valheim_Data, but if we do we loose a lot of files, as the mod zip valheim_Data only have Bundles as a new folder. 

    Anyway we do this.  trying to do it rigth. 

    Allready now !!! the game get stuck on the kraw kraw kraw message and black screen. 

    Anyways Step 2 Install recommended mods -  Seasonality by Rusty mods. 
    The link send me to Seasonality HD Texture Pack. 
    -> this mod requires the following mods to function  -> Seasonality  

    All in all its a shi"#¤¤%  install guide.  :D 

    Willybach's also say in the photo text - Badgers mods have it own files,  We can pick Badgers file or Willybach's . 
    But to install Willybach's HD pack the window say additional files required Badgers HD Terrain 
    make up your mind :D 

    its a mess!!!!  ;D 
    Any good real step by step ? that works 

    1. AlwayssNicole
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Are you new to this mod? The step by step works, but its not working because of the patch today
    2. NORken88
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      How can the step work ? :D 

      Before I install - Willybach's  HD Core Pack - Higher  (4,2Gb pack)   
      Its say I need this 3 packs.

        - Badgers HD Terrain
        - Badgers Valheim Skies
        - BepInExPack

      Thats okay,  I do install them. 

      If I now try to follow the - Willybach's  HD Core Pack - Higher  installation steps. 
      It say -  In Willybach's  HD folder i find 2 folders.   Valheim_Data and BepInExP copy them to the 
      game location.   if I do this -  BepInExP  will overwrite the allready installed BepInExP folder and 
      also then remove the plugins allready installed - Badgers HD Terrain, Badgers Valheim Skies
    3. badgerint
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      No it doesn't, it replaces any files in my mod with Willys versions of them (Mainly just the textures). Nobody else has issues with this. Just follow the instructions and it will work. Well everything until the core HD pack, which, as already pointed out is broken by the recent game patch. That will be updated soon.
    4. badgerint
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Oh and just as an aside. You do realise that everybody involved in doing this does so in their own valuable time, for free. If I could suggest you lose a little of your entitled attitude and be a bit more civil then people would be more inclined to help you.

      Just because you don't understand the instructions, and obviously whats happening when you follow them doesn't necessarily make them wrong.
    5. AlwayssNicole
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I wanted to make this exact comment, but didnt lol. Well said.
    6. CrucifiedGenesis
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I wish you could give comments kudos on this site, Badger.
    7. willybach
      • premium
      • 325 kudos
      Yeah there is a strange trend online, with these free mods, to kind of treat it like a paid service, this is free. It's not a 'mess', it's just you're not very good at following instructions. I've had a couple of very odd aggressive comments recently, very bizarre. I just ban them from my downloads and forums, and it's easily handled, but I do find myself scratching my head. I mean, it's free. Don't use it, if it's a 'mess. And it if it remotely complicated that's because the game Devs have steadily been making our tasks more challenging with every update. The current workaround is possible due to Badgers skill of coding and literally completely remaking the game's shader from scratch. I've no idea how he managed that. 
    8. CrucifiedGenesis
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You are both wizards and the only frustrations I have are aimed exclusively at the vanilla game devs.

      IMO They should be paying You to make their game playable.

      Please take all the time you need and I know I don't have to tell you to ignore the entitled brats. lol. . . .
  13. ArcticIke
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Not trying to rush things, I'm just new here and want to try out the mod, downloaded it a couple days ago, went to play it and ofc there was a game update that broke everything. I know this is beyond the mod team's control, just curious if there's an eta on the update? Wondering if this is something I should wait on or circle back to. 

    (While the main mod is broken, I have been enjoying the HD terrain/skies that seems to still work fine for the time being. So great work on that part as well!)

    Edit after the update: Thanks for the quick update on the mod, thoroughly enjoying it, Valheim looks like an entirely new game, my base has never looked better. 10/10