
Hello everyone!

This is the initial release of the extra music mod for Valheim, I hope the music feels fitting and enjoyable in game! forfedre is my artist that focuses on viking themed folk music with fantasy feel and Celestial Aeon Project is my more generic roleplaying game cinematic fantasy music project. I have been an avid gamer ever since the 80s and video game music has had a special place in my heart ever since. Baldur's Gate series , Planescape Torment and Morrowind were the games that finally got me into actually producing fantasy music on my own and here we are!

There is one technical detail that makes this mod a bit tricky - the game audio works so that it effectively loops just one track over and over if you are in same biome like forest. Hence I created a bit longer mix mp3 files that contain 3-4 tunes in a row so that the repetition wouldn't feel as annoying. Game will pick some random mix every time a biome / situation triggers

Looking forward to any comments / feedback and feel free to check out the projects on the streaming service of your choice!

You can find most of the tunes in this mod on this playlist on Spotify

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