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Marko Jelicic

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About this mod

A nighttime version of the loading screen for Home Sweet Home, to better match the ambient of the level.

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In Tomb Raider 2, Lara's Home and Home Sweet Home levels share the same daylight loading screen, although the later level takes place at night. The mod updates the loading screen for both the remastered and the original game with a separate nighttime image for the finale level. 

Thanks to MuruCoder from Tomb Raider Forums, the mod now incldues an updated DLL that allows for the game to load the daylight version of the loading image for Lara's Home and a separate nighttime version for Home Sweet Home.

To install, just copy the content of the mod to the main folder of the remaster (make sure you backup the original file first, in case you want to restore it). Any feedback or comment is appreciated.