Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Wow this is a big one. It started out as v1.13 with smaller changes (.50Cal Pistols icon & ammo textures, medipacks etc), but then I kept working and it turned into a larger package where I ended up adding a third file to the .rar that includes the textures for Kid & Kold! I'm pretty happy with the results, I feel like this is a comprehensive pack now with the best of both worlds between the '96 original and the remake.
I will post new pics+videos soon. :)

The new version includes:
-Kid got a complete overhaul, he has blonde hair now and his classic outfit with a blue striped white T-shirt+black hat! :)
-Kold is as close to his original look as I could get him. He has a moustache, wider eyebrows, gray pants+buttons on his shirt.
-Lara's shades have red glasses & a bronze rim.
-The .50 Caliber Pistols icon now has the blue N & the ammo has the red stripe.
-The medipacks have the red + instead of *.
-The Journal has the cover of a passport.

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