Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
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  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
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  • UPDATED - Archie Comics Raphael (And Guide To Make YOUR OWN Mods)

    UPDATED - Archie Comics Raphael (And Guide To Make YOUR OWN Mods)

    Last Update: 19 Jun 2022
    Author: Alain-Christian
    Uploader: AlainChristian

    This is a simple palette swap for Raphael. It changes his colors to resemble his Archie Comics wrestling costume. The main point of this mod is to make it easier to tell who is Raphael when playing multiplayer. Feel free to further edit and make changes to this. Also I've included simple instructions on how to mod the game yourself!

    • 824KB
    • 3
    • --

    UPDATED - Archie Comics Raphael (And Guide To Make YOUR OWN Mods)

    Last Update: 19 Jun 2022

    This is a simple palette swap for Raphael. It changes his colors to resemble his Archie Comics wrestling costume. The main point of this mod is to make it easier to tell who is Raphael when playing multiplayer. Feel free to further edit and make changes to this. Also I've included simple instructions on how to mod the game yourself!