The Dark In The Town Of Light

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  1. clauDA
    • member
    • 239 kudos
    A true story

    Unlike many of his genre siblings, The Town of Light explicitly refers to a historical chapter in recent history:
    The time of the so-called mental hospitals, in which people with mental illnesses were taken care of by close associates or the state power, so that the "patients" could be treated there. Instead of, for example, therapeutic discussions, as we know them from modern treatment methods, inhumane states and test series with electric shocks or other "treatment methods" await the newcomers, some of which even fulfill the definition of torture.
    Last but not least, we now know so much about the conditions in these institutions because the local staff meticulously documented and archived
    which patients were treated how and how long - and from such documents draws The Town of Light, the inspiration for a playable story, as it would have been possible just a hundred years ago.

    Adult Content !

    In this game, it often comes to scenes in which the player in the skin of the protagonist, among other victims of violence, traumatic anxiety or depressive episodes. If in doubt, we recommend taking a look at a Let's Play or Gameplay video so you can at least get a rough idea of whether The Town of Light is your gaming experience before you buy it.

    With the voices of Pandorya and Gronkh in the German version.
  2. arghTease
    • premium
    • 209 kudos
    eerie shots well done and appropriate for setting atmosphere for the thoughts you shared.
    1. clauDA
      • member
      • 239 kudos
      A sad story needs sad pictures. But it's not dark everywhere. Thank you
  3. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    Das war wirklich ein dunkles Kapitel in der Geschichte und die Bilder bringen es sehr gut rüber. Tolle arbeit Claudia.
    1. clauDA
      • member
      • 239 kudos
      Vielen Dank und schönes We! (^_~)
  4. deleted70769033
    • account closed
    • 27 kudos
    Truly eerie and impressive atmosphere in the images. Melancholy and despair are transmitted very accurately and realistically, despite the fact that this is just a game.
    1. clauDA
      • member
      • 239 kudos
      I'm glad you like it. Even if it's a sad story.
      Have a nice Weekend. (-;