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About this mod

Simple tools that some may find useful.. Teleport players, disable object collisions.

Permissions and credits
Simple tools that some may find useful.
I have no responsibility for lost gear or broken worlds. Make backups.
Do not send crash reports to developers whilst installed.


Extract the z_UI_Test_P.pak, z_UI_Test_P.ucas and z_UI_Test_P.utoc to your game install Paks folder

Replaces the game version and world seed widget. Visible in your ESC escape menu.

  • Make backups of your world and character in %localappdata%\Moria\Saved\SaveGames
  • Exit and re-open your world before trying to teleport or edit objects, this will save your character.
  • Only the host can teleport themselves and others.
  • Teleportation to unloaded areas is dangerous. Make sure your game is on a SSD. A platform will appear under you for 5 seconds.
  • Collision can be disabled on clients, but the collision can still be enabled on the host, making you "rubber-band".
  • Collision and visibility should revert after world reload.
  • Destroying stuff is dangerous, use with caution.
  • The traced object can be an instanced component, which will apply changes map wide.
  • Pressing teleport with invalid coordinates or letters will add your current location.
  • Teleports are saved in the file %localappdata%\Moria\Saved\SaveGames\Teleports.sav
  • Teleports save rotation now.
  • Spawn blueprints etc (map stones, elven trees, statues etc) Some spawned objects are saved to the world after interaction or damage.
  • Death crates are moved in front of you, so don't stand too close to a wall.

  • Teleport to players
  • Teleport players to you
  • Teleport to coordinates. Keep pressing every second if area is unloaded.
  • Display coordinates.
  • Save teleport locations and rotation. These are NOT world specific. 
  • Trace for components in the center of your vision.
  • Set collision and visibility of those traced components. Or destroy them.
  • Spawn classes like statues, trees or mapstones. Drop list provided.
  • XRAY certain classes so they draw on top of the world (books etc)
  • Bring (loaded) death crates to you to retrieve out of bounds gear.

Overrides the file ../../../Moria/Content/UI/HUD/WBP_Version.uasset
Package identified with Umodel
Blueprints and widgets created and cooked in UE 4.27
Pak created with UnrealPak