About this mod
This mod allows you to easily hide and show the HUD so you can take a nice screenshot or video without the HUD obscuring things! It can also optionally hide your character.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
The initial mod provides:
1. Toggle showing/hiding the hud(Press F1)
2. Toggle showing/hiding your character(Press F2)
How to install
1. Unzip the zip file
2. Copy all the files to ReturnToMoria\Moria\Binaries\Win64 (i.e. C:\Program Files\Epic Games\ReturnToMoria\Moria\Binaries\Win64 )
3. Run the game
Youtube video to demo and install:
How to uninstall
Delete the mods directory
Delete the UE4SS_Signatures directory
Delete xinput1_3.dll, UE4SS0settings.ini, README.txt, and LICENSE
F1 - Toggle showing/hiding the hud
F2 - Toggle showing/hiding your character
How to change the keys
1. Open up the Return to Moria directory where you installed the files (i.e. C:\Program Files\Epic Games\ReturnToMoria\Moria\Binaries\Win64 )
2. Go to Mod/BD_HudToggle
3. Open up config.lua with notepad or your preferred editor
4. Edit the line(:
["HideHUD"] = {["Key"] = Key.F1, ["ModifierKeys"] = {}},
If you want to change it to "9"
["HideHUD"] = {["Key"] = Key.NINE, ["ModifierKeys"] = {}},
Note if you want to use the number pad instead, it would be Key.NUM_NINE
I have multiple BD Mods but I get a warning there are files with the same name, what should I do?
The mods use the same base modding engine, so you can safely click replace the file in the destination
When my character is hidden, I still see my torch or weapon!
You need to deselect your torch and weapon then you'll be completely hidden from the screenshot.
Is there any known bugs?
None at this time but its unknown how hiding your character will impact monsters or other dwarves, as in, are you also hidden from them? Let me know!